Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Mosque, a defining moment

The Mosque—A Defining Moment

As a Christian, I believe in redemption. As an American, I believe in religious liberty. Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island said, "Faith by its very nature must be a free act." Though a Baptist and strong in his faith, he did not exclude people from Rhode Island because of their religion or even no religion. He said that government should be concerned about law and order, not religious belief. It was foundational for our religious liberty and should be an example for us today.

The label does not determine what something (or somebody) is. Many horrible things have been done in the name of religion--would I want to be held accountable for what some, who have the label of "Christian", have done? Not all people who say they are "Christian" are peacemakers and follow the teachings of Jesus: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven . . .Blessed are the peacemakers." (Matthew 5)

Likewise not all Muslims are terrorists and it is unfair and un-American and a betrayal of our values to make them accountable or exclude them because of what some Muslims have done--it is insensitive in the extreme.

Muslims were also killed on 9/11. Listen to your heart; have some empathy. Think of how some of them must feel. I don't want them to think this is Christianity. Do we want to be known as a culture of vengeance? Or have the barbaric belief in collective guilt and collective punishment? What if we believed in redemption? Isn't that foundational to what Christians believe along with forgiveness, grace and mercy? “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (John 13) Jesus said, "By this shall all people know you are my disciples if you have love one for another." By this qualification, how many disciples does Jesus have? To allow this cultural center and mosque does not mean compromising what we believe or a blurring of the significant differences between our religions. To forbid it compromises our American values. I'm grateful for the speeches of both the Mayor of New York and the President of the United States--neither of which need retract anything. As a matter of principle, that mosque cannot be relocated out of fear. No one need move to the middle of the bus.
Clearly there are those who want to stir up faith based opposition for their political opponents. Among those against the New York mosque are the very vocal Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin. However, in opposition to this view, President Obama reminds us at a Whitehouse speech for Ramadan: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2010/08/13/remarks-president-iftar-dinner-0 “This is America. And our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome to this country and that they will not be treated differently by their government is essential to who we are. The writ of the Founders must endure.”

Matters of religious liberty should have been settled long ago—in fact, they were.

And Newt Gingrich, you’re trying to take this away from us—and as a potential political candidate? Your efforts would be better served and the cause of peace by helping the children and people of Pakistan’s flood. instead of forcing our focus on forbidding mosques.

Despite abundant evidence to the contrary, (For example, PBS, October 10, 2008, Religion and Ethics: What the Candidates Believe, "All four candidates describe themselves as Christian. . .Barak Obama has been the most outspoken about matters of faith. . ."I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that I am redeemed through him. That is a source of strength and sustenance on a daily basis. I know that I don't walk alone.. ." .http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/episoes/october-10-2008-campaign-what-the-candidates-believe/885/ ) there are voices that wish to portray the President as “secular” or Muslim. It is said that one out of five Americans wrongly believe this. And now the Iftar speech is eagerly given as evidence to perpetuate this claim. Mr. Gingrich helps fuel this confusion. Take his book title: Stop the Secular, Socialist Obama Machine. What needs to be stopped is how Mr. Gingrich invents things. A very provable invention is that Mr. Gingrich, promoting his writer, Vince Halley, accused the President of” “editing Jesus out of Easter.”


From this accusation came at least three googled pages of outrage against the President—and who knows how much on talk radio and TV. Talk about a machine, Mr. Gingrich, your polarizing, hostility machine needs to be stopped and NOW! And we're to consider you an example of spirituality? Jesus speaks of "the wheat and the tares" growing together. It seems the tares often get the microphone. This is unacceptable. Truth and love shall arise and come forth and their voices shall swallow up and scatter that which is not.

Yes, Sarah, there is a death panel. "Death and Life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21) Your death panel statement was like an avalanche which brought unreasonable anger against our President and our government. People couldn't even talk in the town meetings. We have to listen to one another. Sarah, people who trust in you--who like your sparkling vivaciousness--believe you. For good debate and solutions, it is important that the truth be known and you are the person who has the stage to tell it. Do you agree? Especially when you know many are listening and some are ready to follow your example, it is totally irresponsible to falsely accuse the President of something "downright evil." This is abusive power of your freedom of speech and democracy can't work this way. Before such a drastic statement is made--before one pours kerosene on differences, there is a need to double check and get facts straight. I cannot express myself too strongly. Extreme harm has been done. and I feel you need to apologize to the President and to the American people and publicly explain since you so publicly accused.

“Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely. . .” Luke 3:14

Your "Death Panels" lie was given the Lie of the Year award by St. Petersburg Times, home of The Politifact, which was awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in Journalism. However, unfortunately, some people don't know it was a lie. (For fuller explanation see: http://shiningriver-sheilah.blogspot.com/2010/07/dear-sarah-to-begin-these-words-from.html ) Talk about Mama Grizzles, I'm enlisting. It certainly is true that lies circle the globe while truth is just getting its boots on.

Getting our boots on, President Obama gave two Easter messages—neither of which he “edited” Jesus out. (In one he did not quote everything another speaker said.) Instead Mr. Gingrich is the one doing the editing. This is a serious accusation clearly designed to stir up the people. Take Jesus and the resurrection out of Easter which is most precious to Christians? Please listen to the President’s Easter Prayer Breakfast Message –he speaks of redemption. I have listened to it ten times and took it to church for others to listen to: We need redemption. Who dares judge the President “secular”?


“But the King (the President) shall rejoice in God. . .but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.” (Psalm 63:11)

At the prayer breakfast the President said of Jesus, “We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who would have killed Him. We are thankful for the sacrifice He gave for the sins of humanity. And we glory in the promise of redemption in the resurrection.”

I am awed by the grace of the President. In all my years—I have three children and seven grandchildren so I am not young—I have never known anyone to be criticized so unfairly who so little deserves it. He is not perfect, I do not agree with all policies, but he “is trying hard,” as he said, “and wants the best for our country.” Who are the perfect ones to throw stones? If you don’t like the polices, I’m sure he could do better without all this edit-Jesus-out-of-Easter kind of criticism. And who knows—with all this commotion—what some of the policies really are? If he has made unwise decisions and you've been fault finding and seeing what you can dig up and take out of context, then you're part of the problem. Do you make good decisions when you are being constantly criticized and lies are being thrown about? I have never before realized how much our collective consciousness limits the options and decisions of those in Washington. We are to pray for our leaders. As a friend said, “The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Where does it say to criticize without ceasing?” What if we got the President some say we have? There needs to be some gratitude. We need to nourish and uplift our young President. What kind of hearts do we have? I feel like crying. To combat all this negative energy, I’m going to praise the President:

for his love of country and people,

for his knowledge and intelligence--

that he has diligently studied our history, our founders, and our Constitution,

that he is appreciative of our diversity of cultures,

that he stays calm under pressure, (In this culture, this is BIG one. ("He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." Proverbs 16:32)
that he is a listener--that he wants to hear and consider opposing views and that he wants to be fair,

for his wisdom and speaking ability,

that he is forgiving and not vengeful, for his generous spirit,

that he knows, as he has expressed, the importance of humility,

for his sense of humor.

I'm thankful for how noble he is and that we can be proud of him when he travels to other countries and gives speeches.

I'm thankful for his dignity.

I'm thankful for his family--for Michelle and his girls to whom he is a good husband and father.

I'm thankful that he is a man of faith,

A man named Bill Derksen, apparently from another country, in responding to PBS analysis expressed , “. . .it is increasingly clear that journalists absolutely MUST criticize a president at all cost to maintain ‘credibility’. My perception of your president is that he is one of the greatest leaders of all time, appreciated in almost all other countries, and perhaps, the most under appreciated, under supported president in your own country. . . "
And now the climate of our country has escalated in controversy over the dream project of another leader, Imam Feisal Rauf. Who is he? I had never heard of him until a few weeks ago. A biographical sketch is given in Complicated Balancing Act For Imam in Mosque Furor, New York Times, August 22, 2010 When giving a speech in Cairo in February, the imam said, "Muslims need to understand and soothe Americans who fear them. They should be conciliatory, not judgmental, toward the West and Israel." He was asked, "Aren't you being financed by the United States?" "I'm not an agent from any government," he said, "I'm a peacemaker." . . . Akbar Ahmed, professor of Islamic studies says, "He hurtles in, to the dead-center eye of the storm. . .expecting it to be like at his mosque--we all love each other, we all think happy thoughts. . .so this mild-mannered guy is in the eye of a storm for which he's not suited at all."

I disagree. He is well suited. In the eye of the storm is silence, peace. This is especially needed in this chaos. I'm grateful. We need this calm. We've enough fanatical voices and the last thing we need is more hothead leaders. I'm grateful that our President keeps his cool--he's an example for us--for me. But even for this, he is criticized. Consider:
"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." (Proverbs 16:32)
"An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips there is as a burning fire." (Proverbs 16:27)
Perhaps you, like me, have found that often you have more rapport with those under another label than with those supposedly under your own label. Lesson: Forget labels. Remember love. Sojourners has a civility pledge. The Coffee Party has a civility pledge. Americans are longing for civility We are tired of this "endless spewing" of which the oil spill was a metaphor.

In Obama and the Chaos Perception, New York Times, June 6, 2010, Matt. Bai states that since President Obama is a gifted writer, he will “understand the power of a good metaphor. . .the poetic significance of that cloud of oil. . . spewing endlessly . . .the accumulating cloud. . .”

Yes, the accumulating cloud .

Spewing endlessly.

As has been said in many ways by poets, mystics, and theologians, both ancient and modern: The physical is a shadow of the reality in the spirit. The president should appreciate the poetic significance? I disagree with the author's metaphor. What about we as a people appreciating the poetic significance?

What accumulating cloud has been spewing endlessly? Criticism, the distortion of truth, jumping to judgment. The birthers saying the President was born in Ghana and so is disqualified to be president, Glenn Beck Rush Limbaugh and other T.V. and radio hosts leading a mentality comparing the President to Hitler, Stalin, and calling him a communist or a Nazi. Ann Coulter referring to the President as "B. Hussein Obama" in a derogatory way--his middle name should be an asset to connecting with Muslims. He is criticized even for giving a speech to the school children about working hard and staying in school--some advised boycotting that school day. We're supposed to turn liabilities into assets--not assets into liabilities. What a role model and inspiration for our black youth--all of our youth. The fact that he is both black and white should be another asset. Fortunately, others, including Laura Bush, praised him and defended his back-to-school speech, but damage was certainly done. Oh, why can't we pull together and be proud of our President, The First Lady and the children. There's Michelle, she looks like so much fun--the smile on her face, a lady of style and I love her thinking up a vegetable garden for the Whitehouse. I am positive there is nothing we can't do if we stop this negativity and help one another--Listen to your heart and do your part!

There is no greater threat to our democracy than this endless spewing. This accumulating cloud hangs now over ground zero.
When my children were young and quarreling, I sometimes put them on "silence." Like unruly children, there are those who need to be put on silence--Newt Gingrich, you’re on silence, as well as Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Keith Halloran, others—on the left as well as the right—put your name in there--Actually, we all need to do this--have moments of silence. Go for a walk in the woods, pray, meditate, let the Spirit speak to you--through the birds, the rippling of the water, the whispering of the leaves. Get away from The Maddening Crowd, have a Walden moment, get a John Muir complex--most of all walk with the Master and sit, as Mary, at His feet. He is the Prince of Peace. . "I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses. . ."
This is the best way to affect what happens in Washington, our country, our world. http://shiningriver-sheilah.blogspot.com/2009/10/if-your-enemy-hunger_03.html

Read a chapter out of Proverbs everyday. There are 31 chapters so read whatever day it is and then start over. Wisdom needs to arise and craziness needs to fall. “Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets.” (Proverbs 1:20) We need to build up our reservoir of wisdom. Actually I believe it’s out there, but outrageous voices have been competing and almost drowning it out. America has all the wisdom, information, understanding, gifts, talents and abilities to do everything in this country that needs doing and answer every problem that needs solving. We have so many wonderful, kind-hearted, generous people, but it’s hard to hear them. And with these political campaigns-with millions of dollars being spent –actually much to finance this spewing--words that should not be said. Think of, not only, the money, but the time spent on elections. How can we get anything done? Did you see the pictures of the children in the flooding of Pakistan? Mothers giving birth and no milk?. It tears at my heart. What if that were my two-year-old grandson, Noah? What if this campaign money was sent to Pakistan? I pray we have politicians who say, “I’m getting off this train.” I’m going to take a walk in the woods. I’m going to trust and have the backing of the “One Who inhabits eternity”.

We need to know our seasons—when to speak and when to be silent. When to take center stage and when to retreat backstage. Too many people have been in the spotlight too long who should be going to the back side of the desert.

I need the silence and have been as though in labor going almost daily to Van Cortlandt Urban Forest near me. Today’s verses:

“Go not forth hastily to strive, lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof, when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. . . A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.” (Proverbs 25)

This is really a teaching opportunity and defining moment for us as Americans. Who are we and what do we believe? What positions do we take and why? Other countries are watching. I am embarrassed over these protestors. . Some Arab countries do not allow churches. Is this an example for us, or are we the example? I pray that many will rethink this matter and follow the leadership of our President and come to wisdom and understanding regarding it and let it be an opening for healing, beauty and restoration--and thus the sacrifice of those who died there and since then be memorialized, the ground hallowed.

"What better could be done with an enemy than to make him a friend, and especially to make him a friend of God. . .It enables you to see unlimited possibilities in everyone and even in the most tragic of situations"—J. Rufus Moseley
Sheilah Hill.

I am a Baptist minister's widow

Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners writes in his article, Who Wins When the U.S. Restricts Religious Freedom? "When Muslim leaders step up to lead an initiative to reduce tensions and promote respect and understanding, do we first judge those leaders by the actions of terrorists. . .: . Feisal Rauf and his wife Daisy Khan are friends of mine, and I can testify that they are indeed peacemakers."

On NPR, this morning, August 25, 2010 I was directed to Iman Rauf’s words on 60 minutes: Below are some quotes—not all of which were referred to on NPR, Brian Leher:

Invoking Pearl’s final words before his beheading, Rauf declared: “If to be a Jew means to say with all one's heart, mind and soul, ‘Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Elohenu Adonai Ehad -- hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One,’ not only today I am a Jew, I have always been one.”"

The critics come armed with their own set of quotes: Shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, the imam told “60 Minutes” that “I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened; but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.” In a radio interview in June with WABC’s Aaron Klein, Rauf described himself as a “supporter of Israel,” but declined to label Hamas as a terrorist group, saying, “I do not want to be placed nor will I accept a position where I am the target of one side or another.” And, this week, his detractors are trumpeting a 2005 speech in Adelaide, Australia, in which he cited the impact of U.S.-led sanctions on Iraq and asserted that “we tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.”

The quote discussed on NPR and said by some to be under attack was:

“I wouldn't say that the United States deserved what happened; but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.”

My friends, that sounds like the word of the Lord. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice and another they will not follow.” “If any speak, let her (let him) speak as the oracles of God” (I Peter) We can hear the voice of Jesus through the words of another. Are there those who object to the Imam statement? We are a perfect nation and have nothing for which to repent? I think not. When I heard the President’s speech in Cairo, I heard greatness—no wonder the people of Norway were so affected. Those voices who criticize the President’s apologies on our behalf as a nation definitely need to take a walk in the woods. It needs to become a cliché—have you walked in the woods? Before you speak or write a book—have you taken a walk in the woods? I need the silence—I ask myself, have I gone to Van Cortlandt Park, so to speak—have I spent time in the quiet place, the Secret Place?

We do not condone violence for any reason. For we know “that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. . .for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places.”
However, we reflect upon 9/11 and ask the Spirit to show us. How did it happen? What door was left open? What shall we do differently? What shall we do for our safety and the safety of our children? We need to see behind the scenes. We cannot listen to those who grab statements—the twisters, causing verbal hurricanes and tornadoes. We are ready to repent and ask forgiveness. Thank God for a President who knows this
A quote from Audacity of Hope, by President Obama:

“No, what’s troubling is the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics—the ease with which we are distracted by the petty and trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our seeming inability to build a working consensus to tackle any big problem. . . 22

The answer is still:

If my people, who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

Answering: How did 9/ll affect you?


I live in Riverdale in the Bronx, less than one hour by subway from the World Trade Center. The morning of 9/ll I went to vote. I half heard some ladies talking something about, “Isn’t it terrible? The World Trade Center. . .” But my mind wasn’t focused on this conversation. I was thinking of my new grandson, Jonathan, born just three days earlier on the eighth.

As soon as I got home, I called my daughter in Tallahassee, Florida, to see how they were doing.

“Mom!” she exclaimed, “We’ve been trying to call you but couldn’t get through! The World Trade Center. . . .”

It was she who told me. I flipped on the TV as she spoke. However, only one channel was broadcasting because of what had been done to the towers. Finding that one, I, like most Americans, watched all day.

In my first reactions, I wondered, what other things were going to be blown up. Should I get out of New York City? And if so, what should I take with me? But where would be a safe place to go?

However, as days passed and I heard of military plans, increasing security at the airports, etc., I instinctively knew that security did not rely in these measures. Physically, no matter how much money was spent, there was no way that one could foreknow where to put policemen, scanners, and the military for certain safety. There could only be one antidote for fear—Security is in the Secret Place. Victory is only possible through weapons of the Spirit—love, joy peace, prayer, praise, faith, food, clothing, shelter, etc. If ever there was opportunity to learn this, it is now.

“911,” people said, “The emergency number.” However, God has a 911 number—Psalm 91:1: “He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” This Psalm became an anchor for me: “Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror. . .He shall give His angels charge over thee. . .” I determined to be motivated by love and develop my inner listening powers.

From Return to the Garden in Somewhere on the Edge of Dreaming

“O divine Redeemer. . .Night gathers around my soul. . .Hear my cry. . .Come to me. . .Haste to help. . . In thy mercy, hear my cry. . .”

It has been my experience that when I cry, He comes. “unto them who look for Him shall He appear.” When I am in despair and think I will never be happy again, ”Wait upon the Lord and He shall strengthen your heart.”

How many times have I been rescued? I can’t count them. It may be in the form of an encouraging word, a phone call, a line from a book, a verse that leaps out at me or. . . a garden. (“God speaks in the guise of everything that happens,” Martin Buber said.) “Amazing friends have been God’s arms to hold and comfort me.” I may be walking in nature, washing the dishes, taking a bath, or riding on the subway. Within my heart I hear a word. And I know I am not alone. I am loved. All is not lost.

And so I say, whatever the situation, “With divine help, I’m getting right back up and I’m going to walk in beauty. I will be steadfast in the steadfast love of God. I forgive and I am forgiven. ‘No weapon formed against me will prosper. . . I dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High.’”

“Faith is the evidence of things not seen.” It takes time for faith to be perfected. Exercising the faith we do have, more and more we accept the mystical answers. Spirit beings temporarily in this temple, we learn not to “judge by appearances” but look beyond what our physical eyes and ears see and hear. In the energy of the flesh, we don’t try to change externals to end conflict. We seek the whole picture and root causes. We ask for the wisdom we lack.

Seeing “Him, who is invisible,” we walk and talk with Him in the Garden as a friend. We are at peace. “. . .in quietness and confidence is our strength.” He is the One who says to the storm, “Peace be still.”

Return to New York City? Return to the Garden.

Shining River, 4568 Manhattan College Parkway #5G, Riverdale, NY 10471,


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, President Obama

This morning I opened to this verse:

". . .God hath visited his people . ." Luke 7:16

from the Mission Statement of the World Peace Prayer Society:

The Power of Thought:

Thought forms create an energetic field strong enough to empower the course of planetary destiny.

The Power of Words:

Words carry vibrations strong enough to inspire, heal and transform the human heart as well as the Kingdom of plants, animals, and all creation.

Birthdays are milestones in our lives--a time for reflection of past events and future goals.

President Obama is spending a quiet birthday back in Chicago in his old home--one daughter is at camp and Michelle and another daughter are in Spain. I pray this day be a special time of the consciousness of the Presence of God for President Obama --a visitation of wisdom, guidance and strength. Lord, may he be encircled with Your protection. Still the enemy and the avenger. Cause him to look to You continually for understanding and surround him with good counsel and defeat wrong counsel. May we as a people be hands, feet and voice to work together with Your Spirit of Love and Truth to bring forth that which is best for everyone. We say "no weapon formed against this shall prosper."

We pray peace and understanding for Iraq and Afghanistan. "Scatter those who delight in war" (Psalm 68:30)
Today on the President's birthday, I wish to send again these qualities of the President in contrast to the unfair accusations and to distill the negative energy directed toward him,( please see: http://shiningriver-sheilah.blogspot.com/2010/06/president-obama-and-poetic-significance.html

I wish to express my gratitude and thankfulness for President Obama's many fine qualities. I'm thankful
for his love of country and people,
for his knowledge and intelligence--
that he has diligently studied our history, our founders, and our Constitution,
that he is appreciative of our diversity of cultures,
that he stays calm under pressure,
that he is a listener--that he wants to hear and consider opposing views and that he wants to be fair,
for his wisdom and speaking ability,
that he is forgiving and not vengeful, for his generous spirit,
that he knows, as he has expressed, the importance of humility,
for his sense of humor.
I'm thankful for how noble he is and that we can be proud of him when he travels to other countries and gives speeches.
I'm thankful for his dignity.
I'm thankful for his family--for Michelle and his girls to whom he is a good husband and father.
I'm thankful that he is a man of faith,
for the message of redemption that he gave at Easter.


Two days ago, August 2, I opened to:

"Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth." Psalm 138:8


"I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted and the right of the poor." Psalm 140:11,12
We are aware of the extreme polarization and distortion of truth of many in the media. Concerning the President, you can read about the Birthers, about false death panels and how he "took Jesus out of Easter"--the above Easter Breakfast Message will show that wrong.

Someone said, " We could do more for our country by praying instead of criticizing. The Bible says to pray without ceasing. Where does it say, "Criticize without ceasing"?

Several weeks ago I read these verses--which are a good declaration to speak into existence along with the above:

"But the King (the President) shall rejoice in God. . .but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped." Psalm 63:11

August 3 I opened to:"In that day there shall be a fountain opened. . ." Zechariah 13:1

In looking for a verse above I came across: ". . .they stopped all the wells of water. . ." II Kings 3:25
There are things that need to be shut and things that need to be opened. Example: the oil well--also an example of how words "Drill, baby, drill" brought it forth. In Revelation 3:7 ". . .he that hath the Key of David  he that openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth." Jesus spoke of living water (John 4) There are forces that would shut this water so there be no life. (We are thankful that the oil bringing death is stopped and that it is not as bad as it could have been.) Let the Fountain of Life be open--the truth that sets free, the Royal Law of Love (James 2:8) ". . .out of your belly (your innermost being) shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38). Unstop these wells and let these rivers flow! It comes to me: rivers of living water. . .for the healing of the nations." I look up:
"In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." ( Revelation 22:2) Which reminds me that the stopped wells verse also had: ". . .and they stopped all the wells of water and felled all the good trees. . ." II Kings 3:25 So let the fountain be open and the trees stand. ". . .that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord. . ." Isaiah 61:3

Which reminds me of what God said to Jeremiah:

". . .I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.

But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.

Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me, Behold I have put my words in thy mouth.

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and to plant. Jeremiah 1: 5-10
". . .that ye being rooted and grounded in love. . .might be filled with all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3s you can see this can go on indefinitely--I didn't intend to write all this--it's an example of being led from one verse to another on a treasure hunt--you can do it, too. Let it speak to you. "My words they are Spirit and they are life." (John 7) "The letter kills; the Spirit gives life" (I Cor. 3) The Logos is the word--but the rhema is the word that speaks. Martin Buber said, "God speaks in the guise of everything that happens." It's not just in the Bible. Be listening.


When He calls me, I will answer;

When He calls me, I will answer

When He calls me, I will answer,

I'll be somewhere listening for my name. . .

May we be a people whose collective consciousness not only brings forth such a leader,

but nourishes and protects our young President with our prayers and goodwill.

May we see with vision the seeds of greatness within him,
even as those in other countries have seen--some having given him the Nobel Peace Prize believing in the things he can do.

May good seeds be watered and not uprooted with careless hands,

enabling him to lead with the audacity of hope and the greatness possible.

May we deal with our differences as assets to enlarge our perceptions instead of liabilities to divide us. .
Happy Birthday, Mr. President!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Open Letter to Sarah Palin II

Dear Sarah,

These words from a recent Sojourners article by Jim Wallis echo my concern:

"The political polarization of our society has now reached a new and dangerous level. Honest disagreements over policy issues have turned into a growing vitriolic rage against political opponents, and even threats of violence against lawmakers are now being credibly reported."


This hostility is in danger of destroying our democracy. In this climate good debate becomes impossible hindering the democratic process in finding the best solutions. Misinformation and lies swirl about on the media, confusing people. How can we know if we are for or against something (such as this health care reform) if, acting like unruly children. there is this shouting mixture of truth and lies?
Your death panel statement was like an avalanche, an explosion adding to the mob mentality which brought unreasonable anger against our President and our government. People couldn't even talk in the town meetings. We have to listen to one another, Sarah. People who trusted in you--who liked your sparkling vivaciousness--believed you.
You said:
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Downs Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panels" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of 'their level of productivity' in society, whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil."
"Obama's death panels are downright evil," you say. If this be true, no wonder people scream. But it isn't and wasn't true. We feel you must clear this up, Sarah. So that the truth can be known, I am enclosing an article by the person whose bill supposedly turned into this false death panel accusation:

For good debate and solutions, it is important that the truth be known and you are the person who has the stage to tell it. Do you agree? Especially when you know many are listening and some are ready to follow your example and parrot your words, it is totally irresponsible to falsely accuse the President of something "downright evil." This is abusive power of your freedom of speech and democracy can't work this way. Before such a drastic statement is made--before one pours kerosene on differences, there is a need to double check and get our facts straight. I cannot express myself too strongly. Extreme harm has been done. and I feel you need to apologize to the President and to the American people and publicly explain since you so publicly accused.
Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely. . .” Luke 3:14
". . .the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped."  Psalm 63:11

Your "Death Panels" lie was given the Lie of the Year award by St. Petersburg Times, home of The Politifact, which was awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in Journalism.  However, unfortunately, some people don't know it was a lie.

You will remember your saying of Barak Obama, "He pals around with terrorists." Even John McCain knew such statements were unfair and said "Obama is a decent family man."

On the other hand, let's consider who you have been "palling around" with--being on their programs: Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, for example. Two media hosts whose uncivil, abusive polarization is well known and now you have aligned yourself with them. Is this an example for our children in the handling of differences? Good debate is healthy and can lead to enlarging perceptions for the greater good. Passion in speaking what you believe is not wrong, but name calling, disrespect and misinformation is.

Mr. Beck called the president "a racist who secretly hates white people." Since you say you are a Christian, I'm sure you are familiar with Jesus saying, "Judge not, lest you be judged. . .Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
When the United States lost the Olympics, Mr. Beck said most gleefully, "Please, please, let me break this news to you! Oh, this is so sweet! Our president flew all the way over there to fail!" He was so happy! Is this the type of person you wish to align yourself?

Likewise, Rush Limbaugh said with great alacrity, "The world has rejected Obama in the first round of voting! mmm! mmm! mmm! Why would anyone award the Olympics to such a crappy place as the United States of America?" mmm!mmm! mmm!"

Shortly after this they were most dismayed to learn of the President being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Rush Limbaugh said this was a greater embarrassment than losing the Olympics. Glenn Beck said, "It should be turned down and given to the Tea Party goers and the 9/12 project."

Glenn Beck, the 9/12 organization and the Tea Party goers have signs comparing the President to Hitler, Stalin, and calling him a Communist. A sample of the signs:"Obama is a domestic terrorist." "Obama, the Exterminator: Killing Our Jobs, Killing Our Future, Killing Our Freedom." "Bury Obama with Kennedy." and here's one you can claim, Sarah, "Obama Lied, Granny Died."

Glenn Beck also said, "If your church speaks of social justice, run." Rev. Jim Wallis of Sojourners gave a good answer to that.http://blog.sojo.net/2010/03/25/a-million-christians-for-social-justice/

I saw this cartoon from the Dayton Daily News by Mike Peters: If Jesus returned as Glenn Beck--"Don't heal the sick--that's socialism. Don't shelter the homeless, that's communism. Don't feed the hungry, that's Nazism.

Rush Limbaugh,referring to the President, says, "I hope he fails." We're supposed to pray for our leaders.

The president gave a speech to the school children encouraging them to work hard, obey their teachers and parents--to inspire them, etc. I've read the whole text--a great speech. Surely nothing could be found wrong with this? However, Glenn Beck advised the kids to skip school that day. The President and the First Lady encourage volunteerism--this fact, along with the speech to the students, are given as examples that the President wants to control our youth just like Hitler did. There are the Birthers who say that President Obama isn't even a citizen. Sarah, I hope you will use your influence to speak out against these things and encourage honest debate.  What kind of an example of proper behavior is this giving to our children? You may know that bullying in our schools has become a big problem, even resulting in suicide. When we support this kind of speech, isn't this "palling around with terrorists?"

Unfortunately, the microphone is often given to the most outrageous of voices fueling our differences since it pumps up media ratings. This is not news or entertainment. For the good of our country and as an example to our children and the world, isn't it imperative that we express ourselves with civility and courtesy?
"But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another." (Gal. 5:15)

Sarah, you have said repeatedly that President Obama is "the most pro-abortion President we have ever had." 
Mr.  Douglas W. Kmiec,a well known opponent of abortion and also a constitutional scholar who headed the Office of Legal Counsel  under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, endorsed Senator Obama.  He said, "There is a widespread misconception that overturning Roe is the only way to be pro-life. . . I doubt that many of our non-legally-trained pro-life friends fully grasps the limited effect of overturning Roe. . .Senator Obama is articulating policies that permit faithful Catholics to follow the church’s admonition that we continue to explore ways to give greater protection to human life. Consider the choices: A Catholic can either continue on the failed and uncertain path of seeking to overturn Roe, which would result in the individual states doing their own thing. . .Or Senator Obama’s approach could be followed, whereby prenatal and income support, paid maternity leave and greater access to adoption would be relied upon to reduce the incidence of abortion. . .."
See For Ex-G.O.P. Official, Obama Is Candidate of Catholic Values, New York Times, August 29, 2008 w.nytimes.com/2008/08/30/us/30beliefs.html?fta=y -

There are many people, including Laura  Bush, who understand reversing Roe is not the way to effectively reduce abortion and these people should not be arbitrarily labeled "pro-abortion" for political advantage.  Mr. Kmiec also said, "There are clearly partisan forces that want nothing more than to manufacture or stir up faith-based opposition to their political opponents "
In his book Audacity of Hope, President Obama explains this problem, ". . .Most antiabortion activists, for example, have openly discouraged legislative allies from even pursuing those compromise measures that would have significantly reduced the incidence of the procedure popularly known as partial-birth abortion, because the image the procedure evokes in the mind of the public has helped them win converts to their position. And sometimes our ideological predispositions are just so fixed that we have trouble seeing the obvious. . .ideology overrides whatever facts call theory into question. . .as a member of the Illinois legislature I had argued for an amendment to include a mother’s health exception in a Republican bill to ban partial-birth abortion. The amendment failed on a party line vote, and afterward, I stepped out into the hallway with one of my Republican colleagues. Without the amendment, I said, the law would be struck down by the courts as unconstitutional. He turned to me and said it didn’t matter what amendment was attached—judges would do whatever they wanted to do anyway. “It’s all politics,” he had said, turning to leave. “And right now we’ve got the votes.”

As you can see, what really happened gets twisted to give the wrong impression. This is why it is imperative to get the facts before accusing someone.

Then listen to President Obama: In Praise of Fair Minded Words at Notre Dame posted by Jess Lee—The Whitehouse: Obama answers Notre Dame Hecklers with ‘fair-minded words. . . www.whitehouse.gov/.../Remarks-by-the-President-at-Notre-Dame-Commencement/ - Cached - Similar

Sarah, I am the mother of three children and seven grandchildren.  I have never known a public figure receive so much undeserved hatred and criticism as the President. Please understand--I am not writing in support of all of President Obama's decisions or policies. I am writing because I believe he has a right spirit. I am writing because I believe this hateful energy directed toward him cannot be good for his decision making ability, or for our country--it's hurting all of us. I heard him say, "I'm trying hard and I want the best for this country." I heard Rush Limbaugh mock this. The President said he couldn't do it by himself--he needs us.
Robert Fuller said, " Obama got the Nobel prize not for doing but for being. Not for making peace, but for exemplifying something new on the world stage--the politics of dignity"

Maybe you've heard of the Coffee Party USA. www.coffeepartyusa.com/

Mission Statement: The Coffee Party Movement gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will. . .
There's a civility pledge:
As a member and supporter of the Coffee Party, I pledge to conduct myself in a way that is civil, honest, and respectful toward people with whom I disagree. I value people from different cultures. I value people with different ideas, and I value and cherish the democratic process.
This pledge promotes the America I know and love. I'm sure that you will agree that the seeds of ill-manners, malice, non-listening, misinformation and screaming will result in suffering and destruction. Therefore, we cannot support any leader on the left or right who is wedded to ill will and misinformation.

"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue " (Proverbs 18:21).  I hope that you will clarify these matters.


Sheilah Hill

P.S. In conclusion, our nation needs redemption and resurrection.  My attention came to President Obama's Easter Breakfast message  actually because Newt Gingrich and his friend and speech writer, Vince Halley falsely accused the President of taking "Jesus out of Easter."   This caused three googled pages of rage from organizations parroting this accusation.  Please listen to the President's message:

OPINION November 15, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor: My Near Death Panel Experience

Friday, June 25, 2010

President Obama and the Poetic Significance of the Oil Spill

What if we got the President some say we have?
“. . .it is increasingly clear that journalists absolutely MUST criticize a president at all cost to maintain ‘credibility’. My perception of your president is that he is one of the greatest leaders of all time, appreciated in almost all other countries, and perhaps, the most under appreciated, under supported president in your own country. . . "said Bill Derksen, apparently from another country, in responding to PBS analysis by Shields and Brooks of the President’s oil spill speech.

Other comments:
Annie: “OK, clearly Mr. Obama must just go to the gulf, make his way to the Deepwater horizon site, swim to the sea floor, grab hold of that pipe, and just squeeze it all. What the heck is keeping him from doing so. . .jeez, he’s the president.”

Mr. Derksen: “This is the most insightful and incisive comment yet!”

“I am at a loss as to what the media/pundits want from a President in this crisis. . . “

 In my lifetime (and I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren)  I have never known anyone to be criticized so much who so little deserves it as President Obama. I wish to address this avalanche of undeserved criticism. I feel there needs to be a turnaround--some expressions of gratitude for President Obama’s many fine qualities and some understanding for the complexity of what he faces in one crisis after another. .

In Obama and the Chaos Perception, New York Times, June 6, 2010, Mr. Bai states that since President Obama is a gifted writer, he will “understand the power of a good metaphor. . .the poetic significance of that cloud of oil. . . spewing endlessly . . .the accumulating cloud. . .”

Yes, the accumulating cloud .
Spewing endlessly.

As has been said in many ways by poets, mystics, and theologians, both ancient and modern: The physical is a shadow of the reality in the spirit. The president should appreciate the poetic significance? What about we as a people appreciating the poetic significance?

What accumulating cloud has been spewing endlessly? Criticism, the distortion of truth, jumping to judgment. The birthers saying the President was born in Ghana and so is disqualified to be president, Glenn Beck Rush Limbaugh and other T.V. and radio hosts leading a mentality comparing the President to Hitler, Stalin, and calling him a communist or a Nazi. A sample of the signs:" Obama is a domestic terrorist." "Obama, the Exterminator: Killing Our Jobs, Killing Our Future, Killing Our Freedom." "Bury Obama with Kennedy." and here's one Sarah Palin can claim, "Obama Lied, Granny Died."

The President can’t even give an inspiring speech to the school children about staying in school and working hard without adversaries advocating a national truancy day since they are convinced this is “an attempt to indoctrinate the kids to socialist agenda”. (Sic) So effective was this campaign that some schools, especially in Texas, said that listening to the speech was optional. and in other schools, a parental signature was required. (Please listen to the President’s Speech—from the Whitehouse or You Tube: President Obama’s Message to America’s Students—also google and see who is “enraged” about it You will see that whatever our President does, he is not immune from this endless spewing. Thankfully, however, there were voices of praise for the speech including Laura Bush.)

Laura Bush Praises Obama, Defends Back-To-School Speech (VIDEO)
Sep 7, 2009 ... (AP) WASHINGTON Former first lady Laura Bush on Monday expressed support for President Barack Obama's decision to speak to the nation's ...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../laura-bush-praises-obama_n_278917.html%20-

Obama’s Back-to-School Speech Was for 18 and Over Too by Mark Shriver and Jennifer GarnerSeptember 10, 2009: The President said: "Every single one of you has something that you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is.". . .This was an inspiring message of empowerment and responsibility. If the President -- and the generations of adults he represents -- can help successfully instill these two values in our children, we can fuel the next generation to greatness.”

Instead of being encouraged to turn liabilities into assets, there is this accumulating cloud seeking to turn our assets—the gulf and the President—into liabilities. We have a president who is an excellent role model for children and an excellent ambassador for our country. But he is hindered from doing what he is so gifted to do. Because of Health care squabbling and now because of this unregulated oil spill, he has had to twice postpone a trip to Indonesia and Australia. Many vital concerns go begging because there is no time to give them attention.

We have people shouting down town hall meetings who come specifically to disrupt. They don’t want to listen or have any kind of dialogue.. Looking only out of their own windows, they don’t see the whole picture--this is selfish. “But they stirred up the people and made their minds evil affected. . .” (Acts 14:2) The President and the First Lady encourage volunteerism--this fact, along with the speech to the students, are given as examples that the President wants to control our youth just like Hitler did.

I have never been so aware of how our collective will and consciousness is reflected in what happens in Washington as when this nation was faced with legislating health care. .As the infighting and hurling of insults became more intense, options were increasingly limited. I’m sure we could have a better plan if people had listened and worked together—which I know the President wished to do, but he is accused of just the opposite. How can you know if you are for or against something if there is so much misinformation? Sarah Palin needs to be held accountable for her false death panel accusation, which panicked the people. She needs to publicly apologize to the president and to the American people. (Find out what really happened: OPINION November 15, 2009Op-Ed Contributor: My Near Death Panel Experienceby EARL BLUMENAUERhttp://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/opinion/15blumenauer.html?_r=1&emc=eta1
And Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh—are they good role models for our youth?
We're supposed to pray for our leaders, but Rush Limbaugh, referring to the President, says, "I hope he fails."

When the United States lost the Olympics, Glenn Beck said most gleefully, "Please, please, let me break this news to you! Oh, this is so sweet! Our president flew all the way over there to fail!" He could hardly wait to tell this news.Likewise, Rush Limbaugh said with great alacrity, "The world has rejected Obama in the first round of voting! mmm! mmm! mmm! Why would anyone award the Olympics to such a crappy place as the United States of America?" mmm!mmm! mmm!"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCsPAsz-gp4

Actually, a cap needs to be put on more than the mouth of the oil well. If our speech has been “crappy” ,then we are part of the problem. We helped cause the oil spill. Inasmuch as we do our part--Inasmuch as we go by the Golden Rule, or don’t go by the Golden Rule, we are responsible for the peace or the violence in this world. It certainly isn’t the pelicans’ fault—neither is it the President’s—he is one person who doesn’t need to clean up his speech. He’s an example for us all. While we’re griping and complaining putting bad energy into the world, we’re stealing energy and time from concerns that need attention—like the regulation of oil wells. How do we expect the President and our leaders to make good decisions with all this railing?

As so happens in life, an experience of acceptance comes right after an experience of rejection. These two events were in weeks of each other, and I see this as the universe bringing some poetic justice. It reminds me of Haman in the book of Esther, or Sanballet in Nehemiah. Mr. Beck and Mr. Limbaugh were most dismayed to learn of the President being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize." What has he done to deserve. . .?" ". . .anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see." (Revelation 3:18) The people of Norway and people around the world saw with vision--they see the potential--as I do.

New Gingrich’s new book title is: Stop Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine. President Obama secular? Why are Mr. Gingrich and others so intent on portraying the President as “secular” for political advantage? It is easily provable that he is not. The evidence against his secularism is abundant. It was from the beginning. , PBS, Religion and Ethics: What the Candidates Believe , October 10, 2008. begins:
KIM LAWTON: All four candidates describe themselves as Christians, but they talk about their faith — and apply it to their politics — in very different ways.
Barack Obama has been the most outspoken about matters of faith, even though a survey last month found that 46 percent of Americans were still unable to correctly identify him as a Christian.http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/episoes/october-10-2008-campaign-what-the-candidates-believe/885/ Hear his testimony in his own words.

The President has a Faith Based Initiative with 25 members on the Advisory Board, (Look it up and see who is on it.) Here’s another article:

Without a Pastor of His Own, Obama Turns to Five
By LAURIE GOODSTEIN March 14, 2009, New York Times
. . . he has quietly cultivated a handful of evangelical pastors for private prayer sessions on the telephone and for discussions on the role of religion in politics.
. . .two of them white and three black — including the Rev. Otis Moss Jr., a graying lion of the civil rights movement. Two, the entrepreneurial dynamos Bishop T. D. Jakes and the Rev. Kirbyjon H. Caldwell, also served as occasional spiritual advisers to President George W. Bush. Another, the Rev. Jim Wallis, leans left on some issues, like military intervention and poverty programs, but opposes abortion. . .
Rev. Joel C. Hunter, the pastor of a conservative mega church in Florida, was branded a turncoat by some leaders of the Christian right when he began to speak out on the need to stop global warming. . .

What? the President hasn’t been going to church? Maybe in his worship, the President wants to quietly be out of reach of these predators who are poised to pounce and twist anything the hapless pastor might say.. There have always been these kinds of people. "And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words."(Mark 12:13)

What brought Newt Gingrich’s secular accusation campaign to my attention was an email about Obama Edits Jesus out of Easter http://www.torenewAmerica.com/obama-removes-Jesus-from-easter-message
This link will take you to Newt Gingrich’s Renewing American Leadership web site and the article by his friend and speech writer, Vince Haley. This piece of writing sped around the Internet resulting in 3 goggled pages of organizations forwarding the original Vince Halley/Newt Gingrich outrage against Obama for daring to edit Jesus out of Easter. To further feed prejudices against him many on Fox and talk radio emphasize that the President had a Moslem service in the White House—which he did, an Iftar service at the end of Ramadan.. Somehow these same people neglected to tell about the other services—a Passover Sedar and an Easter Prayer Breakfast.(The evidence will prove that he gave two Easter messages and Jesus was included in both) He has been widely said to be a Moslem, that he put his hand on the Koran, instead of the Bible when he was sworn in and that he won’t say the pledge of allegiance. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/muslim.asp To this day many believe these false statements. Is it not true that lies circle the globe several times while truth is just getting its boots on?

The anti-abortion war has gotten totally out of control—actually, it’s been out of control for years. Back in 1990 I wrote my first article for the Florida State Flambeau, entitled: Is there a Peaceable Solution to the Abortion War Without Compromise? (I felt there was.) . Abortion has been said, more than once, to be "at the heart of the wrangling." The frenzy has gotten to such a pitch that Senator Randy Neugebauer from Texas yelled “Baby Killer” in the Senate during the health care debate when Bart Stupak was speaking. Bart Stupak had fought hard and held out to keep health care funds from paying for any abortions. He insisted on a Presidential signature to this effect--which he got. However, this wasn't enough for Senator Neugebauer. Oh, the madness of the demonstrations, the signs, Randall Terry's urging "Burn in Hell Protests" calling on people to burn effigies of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. President Obama is put in this same group and said to be the “most pro-abortion president we’ve ever had.” This refrain is taken up --just google it--Alan Keyes, Sarah Palin, of course. When he was scheduled to speak at Notre Dame 350,000 people wrote protest letters and some Notre Dame students elected to forego commencement in dissent.

However, a careful review of what the President has said and did will reveal this to be most untrue and unfair. The truth is that one of the 4 goals of his Faith Advisory Initiatives is to reduce abortion. I'm grateful for Laura Bush expressing similar views. She said on Larry King Live, May 13, 2010 that she believes abortion should remain legal and has held that view for years. She recalled telling an interviewer on the day her husband took office in 2001 that she did not think Roe v Wade should be overturned. She said at that time that the country could do more to minimize the number of abortions. And that is exactly what President Obama wishes to do. The reversal of Roe will not stop abortion but will rather multiple the problem. Abortion will still happen—it will just be illegal. Drugs are illegal, but this doesn’t stop our 35 billion collar appetite fueling drug wars in Mexico, Columbia and other places. Was Prohibition successful? The cause would be much better served by directing attention to preparing a better environment for wanted conceptions.

(1) Women worldwide are dying of pregnancy-related causes at a rate of about one a minute

It’s appalling how many women are dying in the United States from complications due to pregnancy and childbirth. The shocking truth behind these numbers is that half of these can be prevented.

These women are dying because they have no access to health care or maternal care. In fact, 13 million women between the ages of 15-44—that one in 5 women of reproductive age-- have no health insurance at all. Many begin pregnancy with untreated or unmanaged conditions that only get worse with pregnancy. . .
Christ McGraw Program Director Grassroots Advocacy
Amnesty International USA

Shouldn’t this be a” pro-life” concern? Roe will not prevent addressing these desperate needs. However, a focus on the reversal of Roe will steal the energy to do so..

(2-9 at the back of this article)
(10) For Ex-G.O.P. Official, Obama Is Candidate of Catholic Values, New York Times, August 29, 2008 nytimes.com/2008/08/30/us/30beliefs.html?fta=y -When Douglas W. Kmiec endorsed Senator Barack Obama for president last spring, it made waves, especially among Roman Catholics.
A constitutional scholar who headed the Office of Legal Counsel under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Mr. Kmiec was well known as an articulate opponent of abortion. . .
Q. Given those views, why do you support Barack Obama?
A. There is a widespread misconception that overturning Roe is the only way to be pro-life. . . I doubt that many of our non-legally-trained pro-life friends fully grasps the limited effect of overturning Roe. . .Senator Obama is articulating policies that permit faithful Catholics to follow the church’s admonition that we continue to explore ways to give greater protection to human life.
Consider the choices: A Catholic can either continue on the failed and uncertain path of seeking to overturn Roe, which would result in the individual states doing their own thing. . .Or Senator Obama’s approach could be followed, whereby prenatal and income support, paid maternity leave and greater access to adoption would be relied upon to reduce the incidence of abortion. . .There are clearly partisan forces that want nothing more than to manufacture or stir up faith-based opposition to their political opponents.

The President’s Speech at Notre Dame:
Opposing views:
Listen first to Fr. Corapi of The Cardinal Newman Society—You Tube: Obama Notre Dame Scandal or NotreDameScandel.com http://www.cardinalnewmansociety.org/

Then listen to President Obama: In Praise of Fair Minded Words at Notre Dame posted by Jess Lee—The Whitehouse: Obama answers Notre Dame Hecklers with ‘fair-minded words. . . www.whitehouse.gov/.../Remarks-by-the-President-at-Notre-Dame-Commencement/ - Cached - Similar
May 17, 2009. . .The speech underlined the president’s desire to elevate public discourse on issues such as abortion in order to find common ground. www.csmonitor.com/.../obama-answers-notre-dame-hecklers-with-fair-mionded-words
You will be impressed with Notre Dame’s enthusiasm for the President... His speech is masterful. As you listen prayerfully with your heart, you will know God's answer.

If our energy is consumed with the reversal of Roe vs. Wade (which is fruitless effort to stop abortion), then it will not be sufficient to attend to the audible screams of children in our own country and all over the world.It is vital to end this war, which is tearing our country apart, wasting time, money, and energy without result or solution and fomenting hate. Causing havoc in our political process and draining our resources, this internal impasse touches us all. In this mistaken focus we are weakening our whole society in neglecting the problems and suffering that need to be addressed, The faulty thinking, surfaced by this issue, graphically illustrates the erroneous way we go about solving the issues that face us – all elements of our discord are represented. The Abortion War—there is a peaceable solution.

Though Frank Rich in Don’t Get Mad, Mr President, Get Even, New York Times, June 6, 2010 may give constructive advice for the President, he somehow finds it necessary to join the chorus and list as a flaw a quality for which we should be especially grateful. In the midst of all this ranting and raving and craziness, our President keeps his cool. Praise God for this! “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city”( Proverbs 16:32) “Anger rests in the bosoms of fools” “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry; for anger rests in the bosoms of fools.” ( Ecclesiastes 7:9)

Mr. Rich states: “Obama must address his real flaws to get past this . . . We still want to believe that Obama is on our side, willing to fight. . .” President Obama is on our side! Fight? Apparently they want some theatrics, some losing of his temper from the President to fuel our differences and pump up media ratings. Give us a headline! I want a scoop! Please don't be so boring as to be civil, Mr. President. They wait expectantly, pen poised, but alas in vain--no Jerry Springer, outrageous statement comes forth.

I am so proud of the nobility of our President! What an example for our children and the world!
"But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another." (Gal. 5:15)
The college I went to had a rule: Constructive suggestions welcome; gripping not tolerated. Most of us have heard the parental admonition, “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you something to cry about.”

We have something to cry about. I am horrified by this oil spill. Since a child I have loved the beaches—Lake Michigan and later where my father lived, Sarasota’s Siesta Key. And the pelicans—I love those birds. They make me laugh. They’re goofy and comical, yet stately and elegant in flight and very “in the moment” –confident in their right to be anywhere they are.

I’m remembering a moment after my father’s passing. I was out in the water of Siesta Key with a noodle around me to hold me up. Such peace to sit there . . . the water lapping lazily around me. To my delight one lone pelican circled above me and I
laughed. My Dad loved birds, too. That’s Dad up there, I thought, making that pelican fly around me! I waved, “Hi Dad!”

I mourn the pelicans and other wildlife covered with oil. What must their once happy little hearts think? I mourn for the fishermen and the people of Louisiana’s coast. I mourn for my nation.

In addition to the procedures that are taking place now-- the needed regulations, what preparations BP did not make, how it can be cleaned up-- we need to clean up our speech.
Another quotation from college days:
"When gratitude dies on the altar of a man’s(a nation’s) heart, he is well nigh hopeless."

Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) What we say is what we get is a well-known saying. What if we got the president some say we have?

Do we want the oil to stop? Do we want our beaches and pelicans back? Then we need to first speak it into existence, everyday write down 5 things for which to be grateful , and ask what your part is in the clean up and do it. It’s scientific, "The world you have created is a result of your thinking," said Albert Einstein. Our thinking will create our words and actions. If we want our President and leaders to make good decisions, the screaming feeding frenzy and misinformation (lies) have to stop. If there hadn't been so much of this, more attention may have been directed to proper regulations for BP and our country’s other critical needs..

I am not advocating the agreement or support all the president’s policies. I don’t. I wasn’t happy about sending more troops to Afghanistan. I didn’t agree with the cash for clunkers—I think the money should be spent on mass transit. We have too many cars. Give the car jobs to trains and buses. I certainly wasn’t happy about, “Drill baby, drill” Of course, he didn’t say that. However, somebody did. I am concerned Guantanamo Bay and the prisoners who have neither been charged nor tried.

We have to work together. The greatest threat to our democracy is not this policy or that policy—it’s our spirit and our words, which will reap the right or wrong actions.

It have been said, “I can go with someone whose spirit is right, but with whom I disagree in policy, but I cannot go with someone whose spirit is wrong, but who I agree with in policy.
A friend on Facebook wrote, “We could do more good for our president if we prayed for him instead of so much criticizing. The Bible says we are to pray without ceasing. Where does it say we are to criticize without ceasing?”

Do we want to be known as a gripping, criticizing, complaining, ungrateful nation?

In Audacity of Hope, President Obama says, “

. . .what’s troubling is the gap between the magnitude of our challenges and the smallness of our politics the ease with which we are distracted by the petty and trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our seeming inability to build a working consensus to tackle any big problem. . .Politics (and political commentary) not only allows but often rewards behavior that we would normally think of as scandalous: fabricating stories, distorting the obvious meaning of what other people say, insulting or generally questioning their motives, poking through their personal affairs in search of damaging information.” P.22, 64

Eric Alterman in his book, What Liberal Media? The Truth About Bias and the News:
Television atomizes, compartmentalizes, manipulates, disjoins, disintegrates, wrenches from context, ignores, and changes the subject whenever it feels like it. It does not sit still for complex argument. “Television,” Jeffrey Scheuer notes, “systematically keeps it simple, stupid.” The net result is a disaster for democracy as intelligent debate under these circumstances becomes impossible.”

I pray for our President. In contrast to the unfair accusations I wish to express my gratitude and thankfulness for his many fine qualities. I'm thankful
for his love of country and people,
for his knowledge and intelligence--that he has diligently studied our history, our founders, and our Constitution,
that he is appreciative of our diversity of cultures,
that he stays calm under pressure,
that he is a listener--that he wants to hear and consider opposing views and that he wants to be fair,
for his wisdom and speaking ability,
that he is forgiving and not vengeful, for his generous spirit,
that he knows, as he has expressed, the importance of humility,
for his sense of humor.
I'm thankful for how noble he is and that we can be proud of him when he travels to other countries and gives speeches.
I'm thankful for his dignity.
I'm thankful for his family--for Michelle and his girls to whom he is a good husband and father.
I'm thankful that he is a man of faith,
for the message of redemption that he gave at the Easter Prayer Breakfast,

May he be given increasing wisdom and good counselors and may wrong counsel be defeated. May we be a people whose collective consciousness not only brings forth such a leader, but nourishes and protects our young President with our prayers and goodwill.Still the voices of ranker and false accusation. We want to uplift our president and not wear him down. May we deal with our differences as assets to enlarge our perceptions instead of liabilities to divide us. Help us to be quick to hear and slow to speak.

I adjure all of you to listen to President Obama’s Easter Prayer breakfast message. He especially speaks of Redemption.

During my lifetime I’ve listened to many Easter messages, but none have affected me as much as this one by our President at this time. I’ve listened to it around ten times and feel that I could write a book using what the President so eloquently said in so few words.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/video/white-house-easter-prayer-breakfast&http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-easter-prayer-breakfast http://wjz.com/video/?id=69183@wjz.dayport.com

Since a child I’ve understood what redemption was, but now it takes on a much deeper meaning. What if we really believed in redemption? What would our prisons be like? What if I believed in redemption—any regret, any seeming failure of my life? I am now threescore and ten—what if I believe all can be redeemed? How would this affect my actions and my spirit?
O Divine Redeemer!

Our country, our President, our children need all of our hands helping, our prayers, our encouragement. Sarah Palin, it’s time for you to go back stage for awhile. (All of us need to go backstage sometimes where actually much work can still be done.) Newt Gingrich, you need to get your facts straight and learn some kindness and until you spend some time on your knees or walking through the woods in meditation, you are not an example of spirituality for us to follow. Your writing and speech need redemption. Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, others you’ve said and written enough for 10 lifetimes. As I used to say to my children when they were quarreling, “You’re on silence.”

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah)

The President (his speech in part):
". . .One of my hopes upon taking this office was to make the White House a place where all people would feel welcome. To that end, we held a Seder here to mark the first Passover. We held an Iftar here with Muslim Americans to break the daily fast during Ramadan. And today, I’m particularly blessed to welcome you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, for this Easter breakfast. . . I wanted to join you for a brief moment today to continue the Easter celebration of our risen Savior, and to reflect on the work to which His promise calls all of us.

"I can’t tell any of you anything about Easter that you don’t already know. (Laughter.) I can’t shed light on centuries of scriptural interpretation or bring any new understandings to those of you who reflect on Easter’s meaning each and every year and each and every day. But what I can do is tell you what draws me to this holy day and what lesson I take from Christ’s sacrifice and what inspires me about the story of the resurrection.

"For even after the passage of 2,000 years, we can still picture the moment in our mind’s eye. The young man from Nazareth marched through Jerusalem; object of scorn and derision and abuse and torture by an empire. The agony of crucifixion amid the cries of thieves. The discovery, just three days later, that would forever alter our world -- that the Son of Man was not to be found in His tomb and that Jesus Christ had risen.

"We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who would have killed Him. We are thankful for the sacrifice He gave for the sins of humanity. And we glory in the promise of redemption in the resurrection.

And such a promise is one of life’s great blessings, because, as I am continually learning, we are, each of us, imperfect. Each of us errs -- by accident or by design. Each of us falls short of how we ought to live. And selfishness and pride are vices that afflict us all.

"It’s not easy to purge these afflictions, to achieve redemption. But as Christians, we believe that redemption can be delivered -- by faith in Jesus Christ. And the possibility of redemption can make straight the crookedness of a character; make whole the incompleteness of a soul. Redemption makes life, however fleeting here on Earth, resound with eternal hope.
"Of all the stories passed down through the gospels, this one in particular speaks to me during this season. And I think of hanging -- watching Christ hang from the cross, enduring the final seconds of His passion. He summoned what remained of His strength to utter a few last words before He breathed His last breath.
“Father,” He said, “into your hands I commit my spirit.” Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. These words were spoken by our Lord and Savior, but they can just as truly be spoken by every one of us here today. Their meaning can just as truly be lived out by all of God’s children.
"So, on this day, let us commit our spirit to the pursuit of a life that is true, to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord. And when we falter, as we will, let redemption -- through commitment and through perseverance and through faith -- be our abiding hope and fervent prayer. . . .

The President modestly says that he doesn't expect to tell them anything they haven't heard before or give any new interpretation of this scripture. And yet, for me--I who have been listening to Easter sermons since before I was born--my mother taking me to church--found something in this message especially deep and new affecting me I think as no other Easter message has. Perhaps the timing and the soil of my heart and my concerns. I thought, what if we as a country really believed in redemption? How would it affect our prison system? (We incarcerate more people than any other developed country.) What about Guantanamo Bay? If a person believed in Redemption, could they ever think that torture is the means of keeping us safe? Some on the death panel deride the fact of "lawyers being used for terrorists" --never mind these people haven't even been tried so how can you know if they are innocent or guilty. As I ran over to Van Cortlandt Park to pray, it came to me, “Jesus is a lawyer for terrorists.” What about the Apostle Paul? If we are truly followers of the Christ—if we believe in the work of Jesus on the cross—if we embrace the message of the resurrection, then we must believe in redemption. It’s the answer to terrorism. May our eyes be open to this revelation. Our country needs redemption! The gulf needs resurrection!

The President said, "We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who would have killed Him” I am in awe of the President by the grace he shows to those who would kill him.

I cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is for us to create a different climate with our thoughts, words and actions. Our president faces 30 death threats everyday:” Since Mr. Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service”. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5967942/Barack-Obama-faces
Before the assassination of Martin Luther King and President Kennedy, there was this similar climate of hate. In each case a lone gunman pulled the trigger, but everyone who hated without cause and spoke words without knowledge is responsible for the murder:
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).
”For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul.” Psalm 35:7
“If they say, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood, let us lurk privily for the innocent without cause. . .My son, walk not thou in the way with them;; refrain thy foot from their path” Proverbs 1:11
“Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm” Proverbs 3:30
“Be not a witness against thy neighbor without cause: and deceive not with thy lips” Proverbs 24:28.
“But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Matthew 12:36
“But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire”. Matthew 5:22

I’m putting a lot of verses in here to impress how serious this is for individuals and us as a country. I’m certainly grateful for redemption and the mercy and grace of God. For there are mountains of words that need redemption.

My cousin and I were discussing President Obama’s book, Audacity of Hope. She emailed": I am in the thrall of what I consider to be the ONLY man on the planet who could take all these disasters (real and inherited!!) and possibly fix them! I think he is a GODsend!”

I do thank God for our president. He's just the president we need at this time. My cousin's remark may sound like an exaggerated hyperbole, but we've heard so many destructive hyperboles in the other direction, that I let it stand to pull society away from that extreme and more where it should be. Because actually with God's help and with our help he can do it. “The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water he turneth it whithersoever he will.” (Proverbs 21:1) God can turn the waters as well and stop the storms—if we stop acting like unruly children. President Obama said he can’t do it alone and he can't. He also said, "I'm trying hard and I want the best for America." I believe him. Will we destroy or build?

The last paragraph of the President state of the oil spill speech:
“Tonight, we pray for that courage. We pray for the people of the Gulf. And we pray that a hand may guide us through the storm towards a brighter day. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.”

There are two prayers someone said that we can quickly pray during the day, “Help” and “Thank You.” Here is another one suggested by our President, “Into Your hands, I commit. . .” All during the day, any fear, any concern that comes to us, pray, “Into Your hands, I commit. . .” O Divine Redeemer, I commit my life, my fears, my children and grandchildren, the mothers and children of the world, our media, our President, our nation, this oil spill and this endless spewing and the accumulating cloud. . ..”

Let’s let the pelicans laugh again.

Let’s be as children, with malice toward none, and run down to the shore and laugh and play with the pelicans circling about!

Friday, May 28, 2010

What sort of church is needed?

I speak much with the unchurched--the poor on the street as well as intellectuals and people who say they are atheists, etc. "It's just politics," some say. They speak of hypocrisy, the empty form, rigidity, judgmentalism, lack of perception, etc. Where can I recommend they go? Where will they be fed? Where will they be welcome? There are churches with enthusiasm which reach out, but often these churches are narrow in theological focus. What sort of church is needed? What kind of church would I like to go to?

(1) A church where there is open exploration and freedom of discussion and dialogue.

(2) A church where truth may be accepted from every quarter.

(3) A church sensitive to the varied cultural and religious backgrounds of the people--or no religion.

(4) A church caring for the needs of the poor, the widow the stranger, the fatherless--for "this is pure religion and undefiled."

(5) A church loving God and His kingdom with passion--for nothing is accomplished without passion.

(6) A church where the Spirit of the Living God has liberty to move. Spontaneity and flexibility are characteristic of the Spirit. The liberty of the Spirit will correct the things which are wrong.

(7) A church where Jesus is the The of the church. "Let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus." What does Jesus want? He said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all people to me."

(8) A church of faith that demonstrates healing and answered prayer.

(9) A church with an understanding of the Bible and the Holy Spirit. See a post below--The Presence of the Holy Spirit.

Others may have additional thoughts and insights.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The President Did Not "Edit Jesus out of Easter"

There's something I have in common with Noah, my 20 month old grandson--we're both into letters. His big eyes are always on the lookout for letters to point out with his darling little finger. In the beginning some months ago how surprised I was when I rolled his stroller up to the elevator at Barnes and Noble and he said, "1". And sure enough there was a "1"--which I would have missed entirely had it not been for his sharp eyes! Later, when on the second floor going down, he said, "2". I thought, "Wow! This is really something to tell Mommy and Daddy! “At his age it is so wonderful to watch as he learns new things which includes new letters and numbers almost daily. There were the days he was really into "zeros"--I handed him a round pretzel and he said, "Zero." Just last Thursday, he pointed out "Ws" and "Hs" as we took our walk and arrived at the park. And I, being a very receptive audience, exclaimed in amazement at such superb brilliance!

Yes, Mimi and Noah are in total agreement with a song from PBSKids:

"There's nothing better than a letter."

When something is strong in my heart and especially when it involves lies and misinformation against that which I love, I think, "I have to write a letter." Such was the case when I received the following email from my college friend--we have been emailing and talking on the phone since we found each other on Facebook. She and her family live in Brazil as missionaries. She wrote:

"Hi Sheila,
     "Here is a sad article that came into my mailbox today: http://www.torenewamerica.com/obama-removes-jesus-from-easter-message
      Yes, Obama left Jesus out of his Easter message. Why do a small minority want to deChristianize our country when God so obviously blessed our basic Christian principles? What makes this worse, is that not long ago I am sure I heard reporting on Obama recognizing a Muslim holiday.
    The USA respects all religions, but our foundation is Christian and we should hold fast to this heritage. Christ has already been taken out of what used to be Christmas and is now just a "holiday". Will Obama succeed in taking Him out of Good Friday and Easter, too?
    "So sad.Let me know your thoughts--any redeeming factor in this?
      Love, Diane"

Immediately I returned:

Diane, Will it never stop? I feel it is absolutely overwhelming what they are trying to do to President Obama--I have to go over to the park and pray. . . I feel like crying--it's too much, too much. Sheilah

and then I ran--I ran over to the park (Van Cortlandt Urban forest near me) praying and crying out loud. (I'm grateful for my prayer language so I don't have to think up the words.) Regarding our country, I feel overwhelmed with this avalanche—like a big mountain of misinformation and lies drowning us--me. My voice, my efforts like a little pebble in comparison. As far as I know, no human voice heard me--only the trees and the birds --maybe the squirrels paused or the ducks looked around.

And yet—and yet I remember-- The Invisible Host. . .See: If Your Enemy Hunger. .II Kings 8:6-23

I am comforted. I am sustained.

When I returned from the park:

      "But, Sheilah, did you hear his Easter message? Did he mention the risen Christ? That is why I asked you for your comments. Did you hear him or read about him mentioning Christ being the reason for Easter? I know he attended a church that morning. I usually go on Snopes to check out reports, but haven't done so for this one yet.
       No matter what Obama says at other times, if he took Christ out of Easter as He has been taken out of Christmas, I find that concerning! Especially when he recognized a Muslim holiday. Was there any mention of the virgin birth of Christ in Obama's Christmas? or even any mention of Jesus Christ at all?. . .
        Anyway, our concern is not whether or not Obama is a true believer (many Presidents weren't), but what are his goals for Christianity in the USA? What is his respect for our Christian heritage? As you are concerned about falsehoods about him, we are concerned about falsehoods about Christianity and the role it has played in the USA. The CLU has done all they can to remove Christianity from our culture and that should not be done. Christmas is gone--will Easter follow? How can you not be concerned that millions of Americans have little knowledge about the part Christianity played in the lives of our founders? Why should America become a secular society? If our heritage and our culture were better taught in our schools, our youth would not be in the situation they are in today.
      You give me food for thought--I hope maybe I'll give you some, too.

       I hadn't heard the President's Easter message--I just knew the accusation was wrong because I knew that much about the President.


       So now I looked up Diane's link about the President editing Jesus out of Easter (see link above): There it was—an article entitled:
Obama Removes Jesus from Easter Message by Vince Haley.

The organization is: Renewing American Leadership. (Actually since that time I learned that from this article have sprawn pages and pages of other organizations copying this false report--it's on Fox Nation.)
Next I looked up the President’s Easter message:


Diane, he said:

"My family will join other Christians all over the world in marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

His exact words. I put his message on Facebook--you can see for yourself. The accusation of Vince Haley is false. AND I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! How wrong to give that false report--especially about the resurrection, which is so precious to Christians. And then you heard several times about the Muslim service. What is the intent? To stir Christians up with lies against the President? "they stirred up the people and poisoned their minds. . ." (Acts 14:1)

". . .the cause which I knew not, I searched out" (Job 29:26)

The President refers to a chaplain during World War II giving an Easter sermon. So President Obama didn't quote everything the chaplain said--yes, I'd like to say as much as possible about the resurrection and dwell on it and give testimony about it, but to accuse the President of leaving Jesus out acting like he didn't even know the reason we have Easter. Yes, there was some editing done—some wicked editing done—but by Vince Haley! He’s the one who edited Jesus out—yes, edited it out of the President’s Easter message! The very thing he accuses the President of—he did himself! How does he think he’s going to get away with this when it’s easy to prove the accusation is false? Because people so eager to believe the false won’t take time to check up on it. I’ve heard it said that lies circle the globe 10 times while truth is just getting its boots on. Truth is getting its boots on! Will you help me?

        Diane, I have never known such a terrible climate of vultures killing with words. Others say the same. In my lifetime I have never known anyone who so little deserves it to be so persecuted and maligned as the President. I want him to succeed--he has the seeds of greatness. For the sake of our country and our children and grandchildren we must stop this.

When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against him (Isaiah)

It was over a year ago I read Led By faith, a book by Immaculee Ilibagizaa who, in Rwanda, hid with 7 others for 3 months in a bathroom. As I thought of the state of the country before the genocide in Rwanda and compared them to conditions here, my heart froze with such revelation. I didn't want to voice it, but what shall I do with such knowledge? It pounds inside of me!

I was also remembering the vision of George Washington at Valley Forge—the three times of trouble on American soil—the Revolutionary War, The Civil War and the worse to come. Since then, I've read and heard others say they fear for the President's life--Civil War--as I've seen in the Spirit.

The prophetic eye sees what is in the spirit world and will come to pass if the status quo remains the same. It can be one minute to midnight, but if enough people listen and act—if they sit at the feet of the Prince of Peace and then apply His words of the Kingdom of God—loving God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves—then time can be pushed back to 9:00—so to speak—until more people can understand and keep pushing total destruction back and back and back. Certainly angels have been doing it for a long time. God can multiple our small efforts and we should not underestimate them. King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in the book of Daniel—a little stone hits the image (the world system) causing it to fall and then the stone grows to be a mountain covering the whole earth.

And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it TOGETHER! (Isaiah 40:5).

Apocalypse. My three children and seven grandchildren—what kind of a world for our children, Diane? Is there anything we can do about it? Yes! Diane, I do not believe in that Scofield/Darby/ Tim LaHaye/Left Behind series view of Biblical prophecy. Biblical prophesy I believe and respect, but not this very false and dangerous interpretation of it. It was in 1968 after Dick’s death when I was in the hospital that it came to me, “That’s not the way it’s going to be.” And that’s when I rejected the eschatology we were taught in college, Diane. I not only take seriously Biblical prophecy, but other prophecy as well—take it to the Lord for clarification. We pay attention to scientific prophecies of impending earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Can these predictions be stopped? Can earthquakes be stopped? Yes.

I must send you my story, Hurricane Floyd and Lessons of the Wind. I just learned from a friend what happened in Tallahassee during this same time— prayer made this hurricane dance—right off of the map. The headlines were:

Florida Stares at Hurricane Twice the Size of State.

Meteorologists said it was four times the size of the infamous Hurricane Andrew—one million people were evacuated. It did do some damage to North Carolina and New Jersey but very little and not in Florida. Some people, instead of being grateful, were angry with the weatherman—making them get in their cars and leave their homes for nothing--Scaring them unnecessarily, they were stuck in all that traffic and couldn’t get accommodations. I wonder, are there any other people in the world who have difficulty with “accommodations” –I mean all the time? However, it wasn’t the weatherman’s fault—a true report was given—just as Jonah’s prophecy was true. “Forty days and forty night and Nineveh will be destroyed.” However, Nineveh was not destroyed in forty days and forty nights. Why? Because something happened. Repentance and therefore, Redemption. Peace Pilgrim said that if you hear of an impending earthquake, pray, go to the place. She gives an example of doing just that. “There wasn’t a tremor.” She felt we had “entered a crisis period in human history. . .walking the brink between a nuclear war of annihilation and a golden age of peace.” (Surely we’ve been in that crisis period many times!) She felt it was her calling to arouse people from apathy. Can you see why the Darby fundamentalist view of prophecy is so dangerous? Self-fulfilling prophecy—there’s nothing you can do about it—it’s in the Bible. It promotes just sitting back, letting it happen and bringing it to pass by our words. However, there's a choice:

I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto Him: for He is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.” (Deuteronomy 30)

Incidentally, to understand this will also influence how we think of Israel. There are Christians who teach that we have to be for Israel no matter what or God will be mad at us—so if we want God’s blessings. . .But look at the verses above: “But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear. . .” Of course, we’re for Israel, but this doesn’t necessarily mean we’re for everything she does or all the policies—Jeremiah wasn’t. For example, the treatment of strangers—which seems to be an obsession with the Almighty—the poor, the widow, the stranger, the fatherless—over and over in Scripture. “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Exodus 23). So God sets before us life and death. Which path will we choose?

s providence would have it, while writing this, I found among my files this written some time ago. I include it—it is so important to understand and changes our perspective, the way we look at things:

Prophecy changes. Jonah said, “Forty days and forty night and Ninevah will be destroyed.” He gave a true prophecy but it didn’t come to pass because something changed. The prophetic eye sees what is in the spirit world and will come to pass If the status quo remains the same.

In Jeremiah 18 is the wonderful example of the marred vessel on the potter’s wheel. The potter took this marred vessel and made it again. “Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, O house of Israel, (put in your name, your country) cannot I do with you as this potter?” There are verses that speak of how prophecies can change: At what time destruction is prophetically spoken concerning a nation if the nation turn, the destruction will not come. Likewise, whenever blessing is prophetically spoken, if the nation turn, the blessing will not come.

Prophecy is to warn—to tell us where things are headed if there is no change. Events are in place and we’ll come up to them. If we don’t like what’s in place, we can change it.

In the unobstructed universe of eternity you can go backwards and forwards in time. Time is. In Biblical prophecy you see this backwards and forwards in time.

We have to receive a fresh word daily, as we are co-creators with God to prepare the way—to bring in the Kingdom of peace. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He has provided everything for “beating our swords into plowshares.” We don’t have to wait for further developments.

George Washing had a vision at Valley Forge of three times of trouble on American soil—the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the Worst to Come.

I live within an hour by subway of ground zero. When 9/11 came, I thought, “It’s come—Washington’s vision of the worst time of trouble on American soil.

Prophecy is alive and moving. . . depending upon who is listening and connecting and what they do about it.. It can be 5 minutes until midnight, but if enough people connect—pray, obey—they can push the time back to 9 o’clock, so to speak, to give more time for more people to see and hear. “God is not willing that any should perish.”

We are co-creators. Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not—for we have been given freewill and dominion both

God has a 911 number—Psalm 91:1—“He that dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. . .Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror. . . He shall give His angels charge over you. . .” (Read, memorize the whole Psalm)
Security is in the Secret Place.
Security is not in military power, bombs, guns, etc. (Hosea 1:7; 2:18-23; II Corinthians. 10:4; Eph. 6:12) Our spiritual weapons are love, joy, peace, praise, faith, the Word, which “pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit”, and the Holy Spirit, “which rightly discerns and guides us into all Truth.” (Gal. 5:22; John 16:13)

“We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that PROCEEDS from the mouth of God.” (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matt. 4:4) What is the “proceeding” word? What God is saying RIGHT NOW! This word is far more important than the fluctuations of the stock market, which deal with things that pass, for this is the word by which we live.

“Speak Lord for thy servant hears.” (I Samuel 3:9)
“Speak, Jesus for your friend listens" (John 15:15)

History repeats itself because nobody listens. We are familiar with this statement. Some years ago, I wrote:
History is NOT going to repeat itself BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO LISTEN!

“Whether there be prophecies they shall fail. . .love never fails.” (I Cor. 13)

Let God arise—Let Love arise and all that is not of Love, spiral down and scatter. Let the third part of George Washington’s vision fail. Let the greatest tribulation the world has ever known fail. Let Armageddon fail. Let this be behind us. We’ve had enough tribulation and Armageddon! Let’s qualify for “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb.” Let’s quality for “They shall beat their swords into plowshares and not learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2; 11) Let’s enlist The Invisible Host. (II Kings 6:) and the Army of Heaven. (Daniel 4:35)

We all may receive “direct revelation.” Give no person or hierarchy passive obedience. To do so is to be open and give heed to seducing spirits. (I Timothy 4:1-3) We are to be immediate disciples --not disciples of disciples. A good teacher becomes progressively unnecessary, leading people to listen to the Holy Spirit within—which Spirit will make us one and bring peace.

If the Spirit of the Living God be lifted up,
If the Spirit of Love be lifted up, She will draw all people to Her.

“Therefore also now, saith the Lord, Turn even to Me with all your heart. . .And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. . .And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. . .For the Promise is to you and your children. . .(Joel 2:12,13,27-29; Acts 2:17,18,39) “Make love your aim. Desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” (I Corinthians. 14:1) “If any person speak, let her speak as the oracles of God. If any person minister, let him do it as of the ability which Love gives.” I Peter 4:7

At what time I speak the Greatest Tribulation the world has ever known. . .

The Bible is such a book that you can study and study and quote and quote and miss meaning. We have to have the Holy Spirit guiding into all truth, rightly discerning it—what verses go where, when-and there’s no substitute for the guidance of the Spirit. Love must be the motive. No set interpretation should cause us to believe God wants us to give unconditional support (no matter what they do) to any nation. Jeremiah didn’t. For his lack of support he was put in a dungeon. Likewise, we should not think any nation is going to be completely destroyed and there’s nothing that can be done about it. Prophecy is to warn—to tell us where things are headed if there is no change. Events are in place and we’ll come up to them. If we don’t like what’s in place, we can change it.

In the unobstructed universe of eternity you can go backwards and forwards in time. Time is. In Biblical prophecy you see this backwards and forwards in time. What kind of thinking is this: We can’t beat our swords into plowshares until we’ve had the greatest tribulation the world has ever known? Or: Beating our swords into plowshares is for when Jesus comes back. Jesus said, “It is finished.” Everything is already provided for us to beat our swords into plowshares. He said, “As the Father sent me, so send I you.” The Word became flesh in Jesus and now the Word is to become flesh in us—to be hands, and feet and mouth through which the love is God is manifest. Aren’t we individually and collectively to be the Messiah—“Christ in us, the hope of glory”?
1. Everyday we need to get a word from God. “We do not live by bread alone but by every word that PROCEEDETH from the mouth of God.” What is the “proceeding” word? What the Spirit of God is saying RIGHT NOW! It might be, “Get out of this building.” “Don’t go to work today.” “Go talk to Mrs. Brown.” “Give a message to the President.” It doesn’t have to be in the Bible. Martin Buber said, “God speaks in the guise of everything that happens.” We need to be always listening for The Voice—when we sit in church, look at TV, read the newspaper, listen to each other. “My words they are Spirit and they are life.” Something will quicken.

2. In conclusion, so--At what time I speak the Greatest Tribulation the world has ever known. . .the Apocalypse is upon us. . .but if we beat our swords into plowshares. . .3. I recently heard the song, “I ain’t gonna study war no more.” We are weary of war. Haven’t we had enough tribulation and Armageddon? Couldn’t we, with God’s help—“If my people who are called by My name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face. . .”couldn’t we just take a quantum leap over those tribulation prophecies and find ourselves. . .

The Lord hath called me from the womb. . .
He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword:
in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me,
and made me a polished shaft;
in his quiver hath he hid me. . .
my God shall be my strength. . .
Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer. . .
In an acceptable time have I heard thee,
and in a day of salvation have I helped thee:
and I will preserve thee. . .
to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;
That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth;
to them that are in darkness, Show yourselves,
They shall feed in the ways
and their pastures shall be in high places.
They shall not hunger nor thirst;
neither shall the heat nor sun smite them:
for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them,
even by the springs of water shall he guide them.
Sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O earth;
and break forth into singing,
O mountains, for the Lord hath comforted his people,
and will have mercy upon his afflicted.
But Zion said The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me
Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.
Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;
thy walls are continually before me. . .
Thus saith the Lord God, behold I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people:
and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and
Thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.
And kings shall be thy nursing fathers and their queens thy nursing mothers. . .

Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered?
But thus saith the Lord, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away,
and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered:
for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee,
and I will save thy children. . .
and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am, thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One. . .
( from Isaiah 49)

And now I return to our country, to the President’s supposedly editing Jesus (the Life) out of Easter.

Rev. Jim Wallis said:
"The political polarization of our society has now reached a new and dangerous level. Honest disagreements over policy issues have turned into a growing vitriolic rage against political opponents, and even threats of violence against lawmakers are now being credibly reported."http://blog.sojo.net/2010/04/08/a-covenant-for-civility/

If not stopped, these words of hate eventually manifest themselves in violence.

I came across a book that echoes my observations and feelings entitled, Wingnuts—a bad craziness is snaking across America in the first years of the Obama Administration, hijacking America, by John Avlon. He gives examples from the left and right flooding the media.

On the cover:

"Extreme partisanship has never looked so preposterous. Wingnuts reads almost like a satire--too absurd to be true. But the damage being done to our democracy is very real." Mayor Michael Bloomberg

"It might be tempting to dismiss these statements as the work of a few well-placed cranks, congressmen and clergy. But the Secret Service reported more threats against Obama than any other president-elect. The politics of hate has a trickle-down effect, as the residents of Madison County, Idaho found out days after the election when a school bus full of second-and third-graders chanted “assassinate Obama.”

Yesterday, while I had breakfast in a diner, I overheard a conversation, “I don’t like the way our country is heading—just one little push and. . .”

Why had my heart froze when I read the book about the Rwandan Genocide before I heard anyone voice concern about the President’s safety?

In Rwanda the climate was prepared and then the final push:
“President Habyarimana had been killed when his plane was shot down during the night while returning from peace talks. Within the hour, Hutu extremists set their carefully laid plans for genocide in motion. The killing started immediately. . .”

Words in the media are powerful. I hope you will read my Open Letter to Sarah Palin. Her untrue ranting about administration “death panels” reverberated all over the country, hijacking town meetings, etc. and adding greatly to the irresponsible crazy talk.

Link to my letter and link to what really happened:



So in the light of this I get the article about how President Obama edited Jesus out of Easter! You say you listen to Fox. Fox is aptly named--not to be trusted--really junk TV. I see the fruits of their efforts in what you write to me and the opinion you have of the President. You write with total acceptance: “Yes, the President edited Jesus out of Easter.” "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."( Proverbs 18:21)

President Obama said, "I'm trying hard and I want the best for America." Rush Limbaugh mocked this statement, but I believe the President. Diane, please help me get the truth out. Love, Sheilah

Dear Diane,I got your email with more questions and concerns. I need to take them one by one and I especially want to answer this one completely--it is so critical and is to me, by far, the worst accusation to date--Obama takes Jesus out of Easter. May God and all that is true arise and His enemies and all that is false be scattered! At the end of your first email about taking Jesus out of Easter, you asked, "Let me know your thoughts--any redeeming factor here?"

Yes! This particular report has the potential to give the false accusers enough "rope to hang themselves" because it is easily misproved. I am most grateful for your sending these emails and our honest friendship that is not destroyed by our strong disagreement.

Since then, in listening to NPR, I heard Newt Gingrich refer to President Obama as "the secular, socialist president." I decided to look up Newt Gingrich's web site and there I found a link to the Obama-edits- jesus-out-of-easter link--which you sent to me-- by Vince Halley who wrote speeches for Newt Gingrich. I feel I am being led--the spreaders of this malicious lie are being revealed. Think, how horrible is this! To use the resurrection--which is to Christians most precious--to turn them against the President. To make sure they hear of the Muslim service, excluding the text of the Easter message--playing up to their prejudices. I can see the effect it has had on you --your unfounded fears about the President and how you spoke of the Muslim service twice. Now in the light of this, read below:

On Saturday, April 10, 2010,

While doing something else and half listening to Religion and Ethics on PBS, I heard a sound bite of President Obama saying something about redemption. I thought, I don't think I heard that statement in the other Easter message-- he must have given more than one Easter message and so I was led to the Easter Prayer Breakfast message--a message I probably would have missed had it not been for your sending me the editing Jesus out.
You remember in a previous email my saying that I would have like to dwell on the resurrection and give testimony regarding it. Well, I did not know, but the President did just that at the Easter Prayer Breakfast.




You said:

”As for the Obama's Christmas message, it is the typical liberal message--not of the birth of a Redeemer, but of the birth of a good man who taught us all to be good men. It is not offensive to anyone. I had already read his Easter message (before you wrote) and thought it was better.”

I had sent this part of the President’s Christmas message:

”This season, we celebrate that sacred moment -- the birth of a child and the message of love He would preach to the world; that we are our brother's keeper, our sister's keeper; that, "pure in heart," we do unto others as we would have them do unto us; that we devote ourselves to "good works;" that we are summoned to be peacemakers.More than 2,000 years later, that spirit still inspires us. It's why this celebration tonight benefits the Children's National Medical Center and all the children whose lives they touch and they save. And it's why, as so many of our fellow citizens struggle through tough times, we are called upon to help neighbors in need. And it's why, with our men and women in uniform serving far from home, in harm's way, our fervent wish remains, this season and all seasons -- let there be peace on Earth.

To all Americans, from our family to yours -- Merry Christmas and God bless you.” (Applause.)END

Diane, you say, ". . .not the birth of a Redeemer." Did you really listen to the Easter Breakfast message? The main theme was Redemption. I've listened to it around 10 times. It has caused me to think much of Redemption--I feel as though I could write a book using what the President so eloquently said in so few words as a springboard. I have to include it--not just the link:

(some introductory remarks left out)

The President:

"One of my hopes upon taking this office was to make the White House a place where all people would feel welcome. To that end, we held a Seder here to mark the first Passover. We held an Iftar here with Muslim Americans to break the daily fast during Ramadan. And today, I’m particularly blessed to welcome you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, for this Easter breakfast.

"With us are Christian leaders from all across America, men and women who lead small-town churches and big-city congregations, and major organizations in service of others; folks whose sermons are heard and whose examples are followed by millions all across the country. So I wanted to join you for a brief moment today to continue the Easter celebration of our risen Savior, and to reflect on the work to which His promise calls all of us.

"I can’t tell any of you anything about Easter that you don’t already know. (Laughter.) I can’t shed light on centuries of scriptural interpretation or bring any new understandings to those of you who reflect on Easter’s meaning each and every year and each and every day. But what I can do is tell you what draws me to this holy day and what lesson I take from Christ’s sacrifice and what inspires me about the story of the resurrection.

"For even after the passage of 2,000 years, we can still picture the moment in our mind’s eye. The young man from Nazareth marched through Jerusalem; object of scorn and derision and abuse and torture by an empire. The agony of crucifixion amid the cries of thieves. The discovery, just three days later, that would forever alter our world -- that the Son of Man was not to be found in His tomb and that Jesus Christ had risen.

"We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who would have killed Him. We are thankful for the sacrifice He gave for the sins of humanity. And we glory in the promise of redemption in the resurrection.

And such a promise is one of life’s great blessings, because, as I am continually learning, we are, each of us, imperfect. Each of us errs -- by accident or by design. Each of us falls short of how we ought to live. And selfishness and pride are vices that afflict us all.

"It’s not easy to purge these afflictions, to achieve redemption. But as Christians, we believe that redemption can be delivered -- by faith in Jesus Christ. And the possibility of redemption can make straight the crookedness of a character; make whole the incompleteness of a soul. Redemption makes life, however fleeting here on Earth, resound with eternal hope.

"Of all the stories passed down through the gospels, this one in particular speaks to me during this season. And I think of hanging -- watching Christ hang from the cross, enduring the final seconds of His passion. He summoned what remained of His strength to utter a few last words before He breathed His last breath.

Father,” He said, “into your hands I commit my spirit.” Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. These words were spoken by our Lord and Savior, but they can just as truly be spoken by every one of us here today. Their meaning can just as truly be lived out by all of God’s children.

"So, on this day, let us commit our spirit to the pursuit of a life that is true, to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with the Lord. And when we falter, as we will, let redemption -- through commitment and through perseverance and through faith -- be our abiding hope and fervent prayer.

"Many of you are living out that commitment every day. So we want to honor you through this brief program, celebrating both the meaning of Easter and the spirit of service that embodies so much of your work. And our first celebrant today is Reverend Dr. Cynthia Hale, who will deliver our opening prayer.

"Thank you all for being here."


Diane, I hope you will, not just read these words here, but listen again to the President deliver it himself.

The President modestly says that he doesn't expect to tell them anything they haven't heard before or give any new interpretation of this scripture. And yet, for me--I who have been listening to Easter sermons since before I was born--my mother taking me to church--found something in this message especially deep and new affecting me I think as no other Easter message has. Perhaps the timing and the soil of my heart and my concerns. I thought, what if we as a country really believed in redemption? How would it affect our prison system?(We incarcerate more people than any other developed country.) What about Guantanamo Bay? If a person believed in Redemption could they ever think that torture is the means of keeping us safe? Some on the death panel deride the fact of "lawyers being used for terrorists" --never mind these people haven't even been tried so how can you know if they are innocent or guilty--

As I ran over to the park recently, and thinking about these lawyers, it came into my spirit, "Jesus is a lawyer for terrorists." He stands with the guilty. (Of course the Apostle Paul is a well known terrorist causing the death of many people before his experience on the Damascus Road.) Christ Receiveth Sinful Men.” He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Dick's favorite hymn was: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. . .did e'er such love and sorrow meet?

Could you even debate whether or not water boarding is torture? What about Love your enemies. . .do good. . .bless.. . " And most of those Guantanamo prisoners were innocent of any wrong doing toward Americans. It's proven. Did you read my blogs of Behind the Walls of Guantanamo and What Shall We Do With the Prisoners of Guantanamo Bay? and If Your Enemy Hunger. . .? I refer to many sources including the documentary Torturing Democracy, which was on PBS.


Bill Moyers Journal Torturing Democracy PBS



Also just google Torturing Democracy

I wrote the above and then opened my Bible at random to:

"For it seemeth to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not withal to signify the crimes laid against him" (Acts 25:27)

Isn't this unreasonable, Diane, regarding the prisoners of Guantanamo? How can we so eager to torture and kill them when Jesus has a different plan?

Is this, along with torture Keeping America Safe, as Dick Cheney purports? Security is in the Secret Place--God's 911 number: Psalm 91. Do we believe what we say we believe?What if we believed in redemption? We certainly can't have peace on earth--what the angels sang--without Redemption.

From Behind the Walls of Guantanamo—beginning paragraphs:

The bay of Guantanamo is said to be beautiful, sheltered by hills and mountains. In my imagination I try to picture it. Kicking off my shoes and letting them rest in the sand, I walk along the shore letting the water make little splashes. A bird circles overhead and there’s one resting standing on one little leg. This scene of peace is a place where the sun rises as though nothing has happened. It sets—sometimes in glorious fire. I love sunsets and used to take pictures of them in Sarasota’s Siesta Key in Florida where my father lived.Where is the prison? Can it be seen from the shore—perhaps if I walk around the bend? As I stand in this place of beauty hearing only the sound of the lap of the water or the call of a bird, at the same time not far are walls holding hell. A place where prisoners—-fathers, uncles, brothers, sons-- are tortured having been neither charged nor tried. And by America the Beautiful. Can it be? Not My Country Tis of Thee!
. . .
Ending paragraphs:
My one year old grandson, Noah, looks up with such a trusting face. “Of such is the kingdom of God. . . “ All the little trusting faces. With God’s help, we must do our best redeeming the time.. “Follow me,” Jesus said.

The Prince of Peace shine upon us and our children and grandchildren—and the children and grandchildren of the world. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace . . “

Guantanmo Bay—the very words now evoke injustice and torture indicative of a shameful part of our present history. However, it is not the place, but the treatment received in this place that is at fault. The longer we wait to acknowledge the truth and do something about it, the greater will be the price we as a nation have to pay. May we uproot the wrong that was done in this place and turn it around to plant and build and multiply it as seed for good—that the suffering of those who suffered here be not in vain.. Is redemption possible? This symbol of torture be transformed—this bay be a haven of understanding, justice and hope--an example of what we really are and want to be as Americans.
A thrill of hope,
the weary world rejoices;
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn;
Stand on your feet,
O hear the angel voices!

The bay—do you hear the sound of children playing? Let’s run down to the shore and join them!

Diane, you mention repeatedly your concern about what is happening to Christianity in America and how we are forgetting the faith of our founders. You ask, what are the President’s “goals for Christianity in the USA? What is his respect for our Christian heritage?” I hope I have shown that your fears are unfounded as far as the President is concerned. Instead, we should be so grateful—what a gift? Instead of taking liabilities and turning them into assets, these false reports about the President have sought to take an asset and turn it into a liability. President Obama is a role model for our young people!

Secondly, what about the founding of our nation? Yes, we owe our heritage to the work and sacrifice of many godly people, but let’s not rose-tint the whole history as a model to nostalgically follow. What about Thomas Jefferson taking a scissors and cutting up the Bible—cutting out the miracles, etc.? Here’s an article to google with some thoughts to think about: Live Before You Die. Jesus Without the Miracles—Thomas Jefferson’s Bible. By Erik Reese:
I, as well as you, am certainly against taking out the miracles, but I can resonate with Jefferson about some things in this article. What was Thomas Jefferson reacting to? He believed that “the authentic church had long ago been hijacked by the Christian Church.”

Some notes:
“His Jesus is trying to convince "whoever has ears" to shake off all of the world's distractions and encumbrances so they might finally see something real. It is the same impulse that drove Henry Thoreau out to Walden Pond.

“But what is it exactly they are supposed to do? . . .
“Jefferson's gospel also leads to an impressive clarification of what those teachings are. One can make a list, and it need not be long.
Be just; justice comes from virtue, which comes from the heart.
Treat people the way we want them to treat us.
Always work for peaceful resolutions, even to the point of returning violence with compassion.
Consider valuable the things that have no material value.
Do not judge others.
Do not bear grudges.
Be modest and unpretentious.
Give out of true generosity, not because we expect to be repaid. In all of his teachings, the Jesus that Jefferson recovers has one overarching theme—the world's values are all upside down in relation to the kingdom of God. Material riches do not constitute real wealth; those whom we think of as the most powerful, the first in the nation-state, are actually the last in the kingdom of God; being true to one's self is more important than being loyal to one's family; the Sabbath is for men, men are not for the Sabbath; those who think they know the most are the most ignorant; the natural economy followed by birds and lilies is superior to the economy based on Caesar's coinage or bankers who charge interest.
“Above all, this Jesus cannot abide hypocrites. He has nothing but contempt for men who would kill a woman because of adultery when they themselves have thought about cheating on their wives, or for temple officials who tithe mint and cumin but would do nothing to help a poor woman with a child. "Stop talking about righteousness," this Jesus is saying, "and be righteous." It sounds simple. But of course nothing could be more difficult, as Jefferson's own life illustrates.

“In his only book, Notes on the State of Virginia (1787), Jefferson urged readers to resist the factory life of large European cities and stay on the land. "Those who labour in the earth are the chosen people of God, if ever he had a chosen people, whose breasts he has made his peculiar deposit for substantial and genuine virtue," Jefferson wrote in the famous chapter called "Manufactures." Farmers intuit the laws of God within the laws of nature, and so become virtuous, he reasoned. They are, by the nature of their work, resourceful, neighborly, independent. They are the elemental caretakers
“Four years later, Hamilton submitted to Congress his Report on Manufactures, in which he dismissed Jefferson's agrarian vision in favor of developing industry, division of labor, child labor, protective tariffs, and prohibitions on many imported manufactured goods. Today, fewer than 1 percent of Americans work on farms, and many of those are huge, industrial farms that generate massive amounts of toxic by-products. That Jefferson's self-reliant farmer is so unrecognizable to us today is evidence enough, should we need any, that we have inherited Hamilton's America, not Jefferson's.
“Jefferson's tombstone at Monticello does not remind visitors that the deceased was once president of the United States. Rather it states that Jefferson authored Statute of Virginia Religious Freedom. . .
“The relevance of Christianity to most Americans—then and now—has more to do with the promise of eternal salvation from this world than with any desire to practice the teachings of Jesus while we are here.”

I can understand the problem—however, unlike Thomas Jefferson, I don’t think it has to be an either/or but together—a focus on both. I’m thinking that Thomas Jefferson was reacting in an extreme and wrong way to something in religion that simply was not real. People today react in extreme ways to what they feel is hypocritical.

Religious liberty? Were all the colonies given to this? By no means. You had to believe as they did or be banished. We can be proud of Roger Williams, a Baptist. When he came to the Massachusetts Bay colony, he was in almost immediate conflict with the Puritans—who forced their religious beliefs on people. Also, Roger Williams felt they were not treating the Native Americans right—they should not just take the land, but buy land from them and only if the Native Americans were voluntarily willing to sell. He felt that no religious qualification should be required for voting. For these supposed heresies Roger Williams was expelled from the church, also banished from the colony and was going to be forcibly sent back to England had he not escaped. So much for religious liberty-an example for us today –which we decry that we no longer have?

Roger Williams went to Rhode Island to found a colony and such policies of anarchy you can not imagine! (Or so thought many at the time.) Even though he had a charter from England, he bought land from the Indians. He dared to say that government should be concerned with law and order—not a person’s personal religious beliefs. He even went to the extreme in saying that anyone could settle there—no matter what their religious beliefs—or no religious belief—even if you were an atheist. Imagine that! He said:

“Faith, by its very nature, has to be a free act.”

And so Rhode Island became a refuge for Jewish people, for Quakers—incidentally, in studying the founding of our nation, we need to study the history of the Quakers and the persecution they endured. While reciting their creeds and because of their creeds—which I’m sure included the Virgin Birth, Diane, Mary Dyer, a godly Quaker woman was hung in Boston for her religious beliefs. Look her up and see what she’s guilty of—there is so much more that is deplorable in the founding of our country regarding treatment of the Quakers.

William Penn, of course, was a notable Quaker. The Society of Friends (Quakers) was founded by George Fox, a most godly man who went to jail more than any other person for religious liberty—this was in England, however. The Quakers felt that the Eucharist had become an empty ritual—this is an example of one of their heretical beliefs. The Quakers were at the forefront against slavery—one hundred years before the Civil War—against war, for the ministry of women-- I’ve studied much about the Quakers and it is hard for me now to just mention them in passing. Roger Williams founded the first Baptist church in America. The liberty he advocated was not because he was not passionate about his own beliefs. I’m sure he sought to persuade others—but he knew it had to be freely received—from the heart.

And so it is today, Diane. The same battles— then, as now. The keeping of the 10 commandments. I wouldn’t spend one dime or one minute fighting for the 2.6 ton 10 commandments monument in the court building in Alabama. I’m happy for the display of the 10 commandments at the Supreme Court, etc. and Bible verses on government buildings as they are. However, this Alabama monument is a wrong battle. Everything in the physical is a shadow of the reality in the spirit. Do the work in the Spirit and the physical will appear. All the time and energy and finance in the name of fighting for God and our country—to me hypocritical. Rigid rule keepers know nothing about going by the Spirit. “The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” How about keeping the 10 commandments—instead of just displaying them? How about applying the 10 commandments to Guantanamo Bay or our prisons or the war in Iraq? There’s a saying I saw once that stays with me:

Preach the Gospel and when necessary, use words.

Why not pray prayer back into the schools? NOBODY CAN KEEP YOU FROM PRAYING! And if it is so powerful, demonstrate it. Go to court about it? Pray. Be real. People are reacting as Thomas Jefferson did—to the falseness of it—that big ton 10 commandments—shoving it in their faces—people react to the hypocrisy of it. It’s a distraction, Diane. Getting people all up in arms, making enemies—spending time and money while the real issues go lacking. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction . ." James 1:25.

And abortion—at the heart of the wrangling and girdlock. I won’t say much here—it is too big a subject. I’ve been writing about it since 1990—my first article—I’m working on a booklet now. What misplaced energy doing more harm than good—actually causing abortion—being pro-death, instead of pro-life. Doing exactly the opposite. Like debating about whether to let a hedge grow free or clip it when there is a bulldozer down the road which will mow the whole thing down and it won’t matter if the hedge be free or clipped. We need to focus on the bulldozer—not reversing Roe vs. Wade. As Jesus taught, the laws that will change the world are not those written on paper, but those written on the heart. Stop dealing with symptoms and get down to root causes. My article: Wisdom for the Abortion War: A Peaceable Solution for Everyone Without Compromise. Yes, when we come to solutions—to God’s solutions—they are best for everyone.

I think you are aware of the President's Faith Advisory Board--out of 13, did you know that there are 4 Baptists and Joel S. Hunter, an evangelical or fundamentalist, of Florida--also the President of World Vision? One of the 4 goals of this group is to support fathers who support their families, address teenage pregnancy and seek to reduce abortion. I've heard the President accused of being "the most pro-abortion President"--a lie, Diane, but most people will do as you did regarding the editing Jesus out of Easter lie—just pass it on. That big demonstration—not wanting him to speak at Notre Dame—calling him a baby killer. Well, his views are mine. And I defy anybody to accuse me of not loving babies. So the goal of reversing Roe vs Wade is accomplished. Does anyone think the abortion problem has been solved? All right, now what? Drugs are illegal--you, no doubt, know what is happening in Mexica influenced by US appetites. If the law is passed, what are you now going to do about abortion. Talk of God with these policies helps the devil in reverse. Rebecca told me: One problem: Love denied. One solution: Love Applied. God’s work has to be done God’s way.

Diane, I want to be informed about what is happening in our country and the world. Single issue advocacy is harmful—just seeing things out of our window—our eyes. I want to see the big picture—to Pray the News—to see how God sees things. One thing I have gained from living in New York—you can go all over the world and still be in one place. I like to hear what other people believe and why they believe it—to share and receive—to teach and learn.

“Howbeit, when the Spirit of Truth is come, She will teach you all things. . .and She will show you things to come” (John 15:13).

Though I write here in defense of the President, I do not necessarily support all of his positions or decisions--for example, I was not happy about sending more troops to Afghanistan; I'm not for more drilling; I wasn't for the cash for clunkers. I would say: Let the car industry fall--put the money and jobs into mass transit. My grandfather was the first one to have a car in his community--then had a Ford dealership along with International Harvester and quite a few farms. About 10 years ago I walked by myself over one of his farms--the Mill Farm--wherethere is a lake and a hill with trees. I felt close to my grandparents--they are the ones who came to America in 1904 from then Austria-Hungary--now Serbia 100 miles from Belgrade. They came because they belonged to a church that didn't believe in war. They came when things were well with them--brought fine furniture and chandeliers on the boat--were not refugees but bought land--they obeyed God's Spirit. After the war, many of their friends and family had lost their sons and lands. My grandfather was often sponsored displaced people--also during the Hungarian Revolution. When I was a senior in high school, I wrote a report about Alex and Rosa and their baby and how they escaped from Hungary, my grandfather helping them. My grandparents were godly, hard working, thrifty, and generous. If people couldn't pay their bills at his International Harvester business, my grandfather did nothing about it. My grandmother's hands were never still. She gave things from her garden--she canned and froze things and gave them away.

Back to walking on the hill among the trees of the Mill Farm--this thought came to me--Cars and trucks shall spiral down, mass transit, hiking and biking shall spiral up and there will be quiet places in the midst of the city. It was a vision of how cars have become a weapon of mass destruction--l/10 of the population using up 9/10 of the resources. Leaving the farm, I went into the small town of Monon and there I saw what appeared to be a parade of cars and trucks--in little Monon! I felt I was being shown how out of bounds cars had become. Immediately, I think the next day, there was news about Firestone Tires recall, “perhaps the most deadly auto safety crisis in American history”—this was linked to Ford, the dealership of my grandfather Later I saw a documentary on PBS about how the car industry sabotaged mass transit. I need to write a whole story about my grandparents. Never was anyone so loving and caring as my grandmother. If there was a difference between anyone, she would take their arm and say, "You go now and make peace." My grandfather was one of the ministers of the church--there were around 5 to 7. They all had other jobs and didn't know who would give the message until Sunday morning waiting for the Spirit to reveal who would. Then that minister would open the Bible at random and preach from whatever text had been opened to. My grandfather wrote papers and if anyone would listen, he would talk on and on about God. As children we sat on the benches and drew pictures with paper and pencil provided--Grandma gave us peppermints. Being diligent to do all they thought the Bible was saying, women were silent in the church service. However, once when my grandfather was long preaching, my grandmother stood and said, "Philip, it is enough. We go home now." Everyone smiled--even though this was against the rules--it was a loving congregation--my grandfather smiled, too, and concluded his remarks. I have many favorite stories and didn't mean to ramble so.

We've just come through an appalling process in the health care (I won't call it debate but war) revealing how divided and uncivil much of our country is--how differences are dealt with in a most destructive way, don't listen, shout, judge--throw in lies like Sarah Palin's death panel accusation --certainly this is not the method for coming to the best solutions.

I have never been so aware of how our collective will and our collective consciousness so influence what happens in Washington. How pressure groups pushing and shoving lessen good options and hinder the President and law makers from making the best decisions.
I don't pretend to know all about the present bill. I do know we needed something done to our present health care--which costs more than other developed countries with less health care leaving out many people, depending upon emergency rooms to take care of the uninsured. I also know that President Obama is a listener--more than any other president I know of. He wants to hear opposing views. I know he began with a bipartisan approach--idealistic--thinking he could change Washington--was he naive? Bipartisan efforts disintegrated. Unbelievable! I'm ashamed for other countries to know how Americans behaved. I don't think this bill is what the President had in mind before his election. Certainly not the process--how could he have anticipated that? He wanted things open--over Fox repeatedly was the accusation: "The President said everything would be on C-Span." Over and over and over. So the vultures could watch like Hawks and grab any misstatement and twist it and circle the globe with it. (Lies circle the globe several times while truth is just getting its boots on.)President Obama alone couldn't make the decision to put everything on C-Span. He did have a meeting with the Republicans giving them opportunity to ask questions on C-Span. Actually what was done to President Obama is like pushing a person into the water and then asking, "Why are you wet?" It's a great comfort to me to know that God knows the truth.

You've mentioned a number of times that you are against big government and unions. I don't see how we can make blanket statements like that--it depends upon the situation. For example, it was due to lack of proper regulation that the banking crisis came about. We definitely need more regulation as far as our food is concerned--watch the documentar, Food, Inc. --I saw it on PBS. Without government regulatons we wouldn't have the National Parks--all the trees cut down and wildlife killed. As far as unions, the conditions should be best for everyone concerned. Rich men often (not always) oppress--read about it in the Bible. Before unions, many examples of unfair practices takng advantage of the poor--garbage collectors in Nashville had to be on welfare--their salary was so low. You've mentioned the Tea Party--protestors and demonstratons I have no problem with. Please see Bill Moyers Journal last episode. You'll lean about a group--CCI--Concerned Citizens of Iowa. They are not like the Tea Party--don't want any government The government is us--for our service and protection. As I was considering Th Tea Party, one word came to me: selfish. This was shortly confirmed to me by an article on Sojourner's blog from man who attended a rally. He sumed it up with the same word--selfishness. Looking out your own window without compassion for others. To come to solutions we have to have a foundation of truth and compassion.
Whatever policies we have-left, right, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican--if we are not people of compassion--if we care not for the widow,the poor, the fatherless, the stranger--to this degree will the Lord's blessings be removed from us. How grateful I am for all the wonderful people in Ameirca doing wonderful things that often are overshadowed by screaming "words without knowledge".
I feel what you are I are experiencing in our writing is a microcosm of what is happening in our country. As Christians--followers of Jesus--I don't believe in "agree to disagree"--this is a phrase for the world. For us, it should be: to keep the unity of the Spirit, while waiting for the unity of faith and doctrine. . Let this mind be in you, which is in Christ Jesus. . .that you all speak the same thing, that there be no divisions.” This is possible through the Spirit.

Redemption. I probably have listened to the President's message around 10 times. What if I believed in Redemption?

Yes, I do believe. I asked Jesus to come into my heart when I was eight years old. And through my life, Jesus has rescued me--He has redeemed me many times--not just salvation. The President's message has caused me to focus on Redemption in a way deeper and different than I ever have before. Redeem all my failures, regrets—“He is plenteous in redemption.”

Long ago while I was ruminating about a decision I had made in which I believed I had not put God first --while I was in much regret and thinking, “Now I don't deserve. . .I don't deserve. . .I don't deserve--all the blessings I was thinking I had forfeited--this thought came, "Just because you don't deserve something, doesn't mean you're not going to get it. That's what grace is." Unmerited favor, as we were taught in Sunday School. Yes, Grace! Mercy! Redemption!

The woman washing Jesus’ feet with her hair—Simon, looking on and thinking, “If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman. . .” Jesus, knowing his thoughts said, “Simon, when I came, you did not wash my feet, but this woman has not ceased to wash my feet with her tears.” Then he told Simon a story of a creditor who had two debtors—one who owed little and one who owed much. Both were forgiven their debt. Which one loved most? Simon answered, “The one who was forgiven most.” Jesus said of the woman, “Because she is forgiven much, she loves much.” (This beautiful story—(Luke 7:36)

Redemption.The President's saying, "We are awed by the grace He showed even to those who would have killed him"--I am awed by the grace of the President.

The last words of Jesus--how we can say them, too, the President said.

Someone said there are two quick prayers you can pray during the day, “Help” and “Thank You.” . But here's another one and the best: "Into Your hands, I commit my spirit. . Several mornings I woke up crying, saying this prayer--it was so sweet to be able to commit every concern into His hands. "Into your hands, I commit my spirit. . ..into your hands I commit my failures. . .into Your hands I commit my children, my grandchildren. Into Your hands I commit President Obama. . .Into Your hands I commit the health care reform. . .Into Your hands I commit-- just name all those people in the media. . .Into Your hands I commit what I am supposed to do. Order my steps. Into Your hands I commit this speech I'm supposed to give. Into Your hands I commit my job. . .Into Your hands. . .

Any time a concern comes across my mind, I can stop the thought and pray, Into Your hands, I commit. . .what peace if I really believe in redemption.

As Job said, “I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear; but now mine eye seeth Thee.” It makes a difference to go beyond hearing with the ear. I thought, “I have envied others their path. But if I had to go down this hard path to understand what I understand about redemption—then, thank You, Lord for this hard path.”

Yes, these can just be words that we hear and repeat, but if they take root in our hearts. . .

On the 18th of April I had a book signing at church for my book, They That Sow in Tears. You know it has the passage about the resurrection story after Dick’s death:

from Chapter III.

My husband’s death had been on a Friday. Monday the children and I would fly back to Indiana. On Sundays, I had been teaching Sunday school. My three year old daughter was in this class. At first, I thought I would not teach this Sunday, but then to my amazement, I realized that the lesson was on the resurrection! I thought it was meant that I go ahead and teach the class.

As I told the story, I identified with Mary Magdalene. I felt her heavy, heavy grief walking to the tomb while it was yet dark before morning. Things were all wrong. Jesus was dead. And how could it be? She knew what He’d done for her. She’d watched Him heal people and had heard Him teach. She had told all her friends, everyone she knew, that Jesus was the Promised One. Some had believed, but to the ones who hadn’t she’d said, “You’ll see—you’ll see. . .soon!”

But then they had taken Him to crucify Him. She had heard their hard mocking voices: “He saved others; Himself He cannot save. If He be the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him. He trusted in God; let Him deliver Him now; if He will have Him: for He said, I am the Son of God...”

Perhaps she had thought, “He will! He’ll come down off the cross. It will be His way of showing them.”

But He didn’t. Instead, He had died on that cross, and they had taken His dead body off of the cross and put it in a tomb.

And now, it seemed as though the ones who mocked—the ones who didn’t believe were right.

But they couldn’t be! They were wrong! They were!

But then. . .why was He dead. . .why did He die? Mary didn’t know. . .didn’t know. . .she still loved her Lord, but she was confused. . there was something she didn’t understand.

Now coming to the tomb, she found it empty. Someone took His body! Who? She must find Him!

But where?

Mary broke and sobs rent her body.

And then. . .a voice behind her, “Woman, why weepest thou?”

Supposing it to be the gardener, she did not look, "Oh, sir, if you’ve taken away His body, tell me where you’ve laid Him and I will take Him away.”


I could see her. For a moment, afraid to believe what she had heard. That voice, was it—could it be--? And then turning, yes, yes, yes, alive—not dead—alive!


What must it have been—her trip to tell the others? Her being, which had been exhausted from grief and weeping, now surged with the strength of joy. Breathless, excited, almost incoherent, “The Lord, I’ve seen Him! At the tomb! Alive!”

Now all the darkness of night and the shadows of dawn were gone! Morning had fully come!
He had spoken her name and in that moment her horrible, dark, black sorrow had been turned into joy unspeakable!

As I told the story of the resurrection and experienced with Mary her sorrow and then her joy, it seemed as though Jesus spoke my name, too, and joy crowded out my sorrow.

. . .because I live, you shall live also. John 14:19

. . .the oil of joy for mourning. . .Isaiah 61:3

Along with telling about my story, I included President Obama's Easter message--Rebecca and Matt brought their computer so we could watch it.
I danced to:

O Divine Redeemer

Night gathers round my soul. . .haste to help me . . hear my cry. . .in Thy mercy. . .

O Divine Redeemer,

Into Your hands I commit, the words I say, I write, the thoughts I think. . .

Into Your hands. . .

If death and life be in the power of the tongue, then it is no small thing to speak falsehood against the leader of our nation. Disagree with the President. Debate the issues. But do so with respect, and above all truthfulness. If lies prevail, it is death to our democracy.

Diane, this attack on the President has blessed me and caused me to love and pray for him even more.

“For if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor: If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, . . Then will I cause you to dwell in this place. . “