Dear President Obama,
My prayers are with you. A New York Times journalist said regarding Iraq and ISSI, “The
impossible is necessary.” Yes. “With God, nothing shall be impossible.” “If
any lack wisdom, let him ask of God and it shall be given him.”
the nation without sin, drop the first bomb. “We met the enemy and it was us.” Someone
asks, “Why do we continue to deploy our military for unwinnable wars?”
How did we get into this “network of death”? A
journalist on NPR, Fresh Air, said,
“If we hadn't gone to war in Iraq, we wouldn't have ISSI.” I agree. Also, Guantanamo Bay* plays a big part in the
beheading of journalists--dressing them in orange for revenge. It's so tragic that our actions have recruited
more and stronger terrorists--all this suffering to do more harm than
good. And there they are with our weapons
used against us. That’s the way it works. Jesus said, “Put up thy sword. They that
take the sword perish by the sword.” Matthew
Taking Saddam out left a vacuum. Jesus said if you take a demon out and leave
a vacuum, the case is 7 times worse.
It's beyond heart breaking. Eleven
years of despair. Iraq: a place to
recruit terrorists.
Before the
war, September 2002, I read in USA Today:
Aim in Iraq: Lightning Action. I
stood before that paper and the horror of what such a war would do came over
me. I wrote a book, Sometimes You Must be the Music.
No more war, Mr. President. Shall we with Military
action pour more fuel on the fire and add to the confusion? Please,
Mr. President, don’t be a party to endless war and endless revenge. There is another, better way.
Give humanitarian aid and, by prayer, follow the
example of Elisha. Enlist the Invisible Host and those Chariots of Fire. (II Kings 6:8-23).
Or send the praisers out
as Jehoshaphat did. Biblically, we’re
told over 500 times to “Praise the Lord.” Praise stills
the enemy and the avenger. . . We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but
against principalities and powers of darkness.
Praise paralyzes the warlords—they can’t move.
Or have one of those prayer meetings like
they did when an angel loosed Peter from his chains and opened The Iron Gate.
Or how about Gideon whose 300 men blew
trumpets and broke pitchers?
when those ten lepers entered the city and God magnified their footsteps so
that their feet sounded like a mighty advancing army and the Syrians fled in terror leaving all their food and
provision? (II Kings 8)
The Creator is creative. Here’s a principle: Sometimes seemingly “stupid” things work when
hearts are right. Here’s another: Little
is much when God is in it.
And Iraq. In
1996, Justus du Plessis from South Africa came late to Kenneth Copeland’s Eagle
Mountain Church. Jesus had given him a vision
for America. One strong admonition remembered:
Read the book of Daniel. Why read the book of Daniel? This book is set in Babylon—which is modern
day Iraq. What kind of a king was Nebuchadnezzar? Impulsive, ruthless. But change came--the king changed. By sword and battle? No, by prayer, vision and the interpretation
of dreams. Song words: When
will we ever learn? Yes, we can!
It’s past
time “to beat our swords into plowshares
and not learn war anymore.” Sit at the feet of the Prince of Peace and get
instructions. No more fund raising madness. Sometimes the best action is to stand still.
love, joy, peace,
Katherine Kuhlman—The Presence of God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu38dcspu-M
my two articles: (1) What Shall We Do
With the Prisoners of Guanatanamo? (2) Behind the Walls of Guantanamo Bay
1400 Old Bartow Eagle Lake Rd. #4110, Bartow, FL 33830 (863)904-7363
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