“The presence of the Holy Spirit means more than the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures
—inspiration must be immediate and continual.”
William Law
Howbeit when She, the Spirit of truth, is come, She will guide you into all truth: for She shall not speak of herself; but whatsoever She shall hear, that shall She speak :and She will show you things to come. John 16:13
Sometimes a truth comes with such strength that you want to shout it everywhere—the secret of the ages! Such a truth is this—what a resolution of conflict if this could be understood!
“The letter kills but the Spirit gives life.” (II Corinthians 3:6). This is the battle of the ages, which battle continues to rage--to be led by the Spirit or to follow religious forms. It has been said that there is no hatred like religious hatred and more blood has been shed in the name of religion than in any cause. In these cases a knowledge of scripture becomes not an asset but a liability causing people to ignore in their hearts what the Spirit would teach them as they observe religious dogma.
It was the religious leaders—who knew the Scriptures—who were the enemies of Jesus. Their objections were scripturally based, they thought. They felt he did not properly observe the Sabbath, etc. It was the children and the unlearned that recognized Him.
Many today may feel if they had seen Jesus in the flesh teaching and performing miracles, they would have certainly been one of the believers—never would they have been like some of the religious leaders. But would you have believed?
We may think that nothing could be higher than having Jesus in the flesh instructing us. However, Jesus taught the disciples that when He should be glorified and come again in the fullness and power of the Spirit, this instruction would be far greater. The Spirit would be ever present to comfort, lead and teach us.
Through the centuries there have been those who understood.
Robert Barclay (1648-1690):
Christians now are to be led inwardly and immediately by the Spirit of God, even in the same manner as the saints were of old. He then that acknowledges himself ignorant and a stranger to the inward in-being of the Christ in his heart, doth thereby acknowledge himself whatever he may otherwise know or believe of Christ, or however, much skilled or acquainted with the letter or the holy scripture, not yet to have embraced the Christian religion. For take but away the Spirit, and Christianity remains no more than the dead carcass of a man, when the soul and spirit has departed, remains a man.
Seeing then that Christ hath promised his Spirit to lead his children, and that every one of them both ought and may be led by the Spirit, if any depart from this certain guide indeed, and yet in words pretend to be led by it, into things that are not good, it will not from thence follow, that the true guidance of the Spirit is uncertain, ought not to be followed; no more than it will follow that the sun sheweth not light, because a blind man or one who willfully shuts his eyes, falls into a ditch at noon-day for want of light; or that no words are spoken, because a deaf man hears them not; or that a garden full of fragrant flowers has no sweet smell, because he that has lost his smelling does not smell it.
From these revelations of the Spirit of God to the saints have proceeded the Scriptures of Truth. Because they are only a declaration of the fountain, and not the fountain itself, therefore they are not to be esteemed the principle ground of all truth, and knowledge, nor yet the adequate primary rule of faith and manners. Yet because they give a true and faithful testimony of the first foundation, they are and may be esteemed a secondary rule, subordinate to the Spirit, from which they have all their excellency and certainty; for as by the inward testimony of the Spirit we do alone truly know them, so they testify, that the Spirit is their Guide by which the saints are led into all truth; therefore, according to the scriptures, the Spirit is the first and principal leader.”
Andrew Murray (1828-1917)
When Andrew Murray discovered what William Law had written concerning the inward workings of the Holy Spirit, he was compelled to write, “I have never found anyone who has so helped me in understanding the scripture truth of the work of the Holy Spirit.” Murray agreed with Law that “the promise of the Holy Spirit is the one secret of the power of Christ’s church.” (Bethany Fellowship)
I do not know where to find anywhere else the same clear and powerful statement of the truth, which the Church needs at the present day. . .no where have I met with anything that brings the truth of our dependence on the continual leading of the Spirit, and the assurance that that leading can be enjoyed without interruption, so home to the heart as the teaching of this present volume. . . The one need of our churches, of our life, and our work, is the continuous operation of the Holy Spirit. . . That God may visit His Church, and fill all His saints with His Holy Spirit, is my fervent prayer.
Andrew Murray in introduction of William Law’s The Power of the Spirit, selections from the Writings of William Law.
William Law (1686-1761)":
All this is expressly declared by Christ Himself, saying unto them, “I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away;” Therefore Christ taught them to believe and joyfully to expect the coming of a higher and more blessed state than that of His bodily presence with them. For he adds, “If I go not away, the Comforter will not come”: therefore the comfort and blessing of Christ to His followers could not be had till something more was done to them, and they were brought into a higher state than they could be by His verbal instruction of them. “But if I go away,” says He, “I will send Her unto you, and when the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth is come, She will guide you into all truth;She shall glorify Me: for She shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16)
( With greater revelation I have taken the liberty to use "She" above--though William Law did not.
"Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.
Then you shall feed;
On Her sides shall you be carried,
And be dandled on Her knees.
As one whom his mother comforts,
So I will comfort you;
And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem."
Isaiah 66:12,13
"She shall cover you with Her feathers and under Her wings thou shalt truth. . ."
Psalm 91
"Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget you. . ."
Isaiah 49:15
I was just going to put these verses in without references--but then thought I should put the references in. I opened to "Mother" and "Mothers." Our holy Mother is helping me.
Back to William Law.)
What poor divinity knowledge comes from great scholars may be sufficiently seen from the quotations taken from Dr. Warburton’s sermons. It stands thus: “By them (that is, by the writings of the New Testament) the prophetic promise of our Saviour, that the Comforter should abide for ever, was eminently fulfilled. For though His ordinary influence occasionally assists the faithful, yet His constant abode and sure illumination is in the sacred Scriptures.” Dr. Warburton’s doctrine is this, that the inspired books of the New Testament is that Comforter, or Spirit of Truth, and illuminator, which is meant by Christ’s being always with His Church. Let us therefore put the Doctor’s doctrine into the letter of the text, which will best show how true or false it is.
Our Lord says, “It is expedient for you that I go away, or the Comforter will not come; that is, it is expedient for you, that I leave off teaching you in words, that sound only into your outward ears, that you may have the same words in writing, for your outward eyes to look upon, for if I do not depart from this vocal way of teaching you, the Comforter will not come, that is, yet will not have the comfort of My words written on paper. But if I go away, I will send written books, which shall lead you into such a truth of words as you could not have, whilst they were only spoken from My mouth; but being written on paper, they will be My Spiritual, heavenly, constant abode with you, and the most supreme illumination you can receive from Me.”
Christ says further: “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now; howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of Himself, for He shall receive Mine, and shall show it unto you; that is though you cannot be sufficiently instructed from My words at present, yet when they shall hereafter come to you in written books, they will give you a knowledge of all truth, for they shall not speak of themselves, but shall receive words from Me, and show them unto you.”
It must be evident to every reader that this absurd, and even blasphemous, interpretation is all the Doctor’s own.
The true value of scripture is an outward Guide to God’s inward Teaching: As Christ’s teaching in the flesh was only preparatory to His future vital teaching by the Spirit, so the teaching of Scripture by words written with ink and paper is only preparatory, or introductory to all that inward essential teaching of God, which is by His Spirit and truth within us. Every other opinion of the Holy Scripture, but that of an outward teacher and guide to God’s inward teaching and illumination in our souls, is by making an idol-god of it: I say an idol-god; for to those who rest in it as the constant abode and supreme illumination of God with them, it can be nothing else. For if nothing of divine faith, love, hope, or goodness, can have the least birth or place in us, but by divine inspiration, they who think these virtues may be sufficiently raised in us by the letter of Scripture, do in truth and reality make the letter of Scripture their inspirited god.
That which the learned leaders did with the outward letter of their law, that same do learned Christians with the outward letter of their gospel. Why did they so furiously and obstinately cry out against Christ, “Let Him be crucified”? It was because their letter-learned ears, their worldly spirit, and temple-orthodoxy, would not bear to hear of an inward Saviour, not bear to hear of being born again of His Spirit, of eating His flesh, and drinking His blood, of His dwelling in them, and they in Him. To have their law of ordinances, their temple-pomp sunk into such a fulfilling Saviour as this, was such enthusiastic jargon to their ears, as forced their sober, rational theology, to call Christ, Beelzebub, His doctrine, blasphemy and all for the sake of Moses and rabinic orthodoxy.
Christian doctors reproach the old learned Rabbis, for their vain faith, and carnal desire of a glorious, temporal, outward Christ, who should set up their temple-worship all over the world. Vanity indeed, and learned blindness enough?
But nevertheless, in these condemmers of rabbinical blindness, St. Paul's words are remarkably verified, namely, “Wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things.” . . .What the Christian doctors advocate is that very outward Christ, and that very outward kingdom, which the carnal religious leaders dreamed of, and for the sake of which the spiritual Christ was then nailed to the Cross, and is still crucified by the new-risen Pharisee in the Christian Church.
And so the natural man goes on preaching, and the natural man goes on hearing of the things of God, in a fruitless course of life. And thus it must be, so long as either preacher or hearers, seek anything else but to edify, and be edified in, and through the immediate power and essential presence of the Holy Spirit, working in them.
The Law was given by Moses; but Moses had a veil upon his face, the Law was a veil, prophecy was a veil, Christ crucified was a veil, and all was a veil, till grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, in the power of His Holy Spirit.
The empty letter-learned knowledge which the natural man can as easily have of the sacred scripture and religious matters as of any other books or human affairs, this being taken for divine knowledge, has spread such darkness and delusion all over Christendom, as may be reckoned no less than a general apostasy from the gospel state of divine illumination. . . What scripture of the New Testament can you read that does not prove this to be the gospel state, a kingdom of God, into which none can enter but by being born of the Spirit, none can continue to be alive in it but by being led by the Spirit, and in which not a thought, or desire, or action can be allowed to have any part in it, but as it is a fruit of the Spirit?
But as Christ’s teaching in the flesh was only preparatory to His future vital teaching by the Spirit, so the teaching of Scripture by words written with ink and paper is only preparatory, or introductory to all that inward essential teaching of God, which is by His Spirit and truth within us. Every other opinion of the Holy Scripture, but that of an outward teacher and guide to God’s inward teaching and illumination in our souls, is but making an idol-god of it: I say an idol-god; for to those who rest in it as the constant abode and supreme illumination of God with them, it can be nothing else. For if nothing of divine faith, love, hope, or goodness, can have the least bit or place in us, but by divine inspiration, they who think these virtues may be sufficiently raised in us by the letter of Scripture, do in truth and reality make the letter of Scripture their inspiring god.
All this is expressly declared by Christ Himself, saying unto them, “I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away”’ therefore Christ taught them to believe and joyfully to expect the coming, of a higher and more blessed state than what of His bodily presence with them. For He adds “If I go not away the Comforter will not come”’ therefore the comfort and blessing of Christ to His followers could not be had till something more was done to them, and they were brought into a higher state than they could be by His verbal instruction to them. “But if I go away,” says He “I will send Her unto you, and when the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth is come, She will guide you into all truth; She shall glorify Me” . . .He commands them not to bear witness of Him to the world from what they did and could in a human way know of Him, His birth, His life, doctrines, death, sufferings, resurrection, etc., but to tarry in Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high; saying unto them, “Ye shall receive power, after that he Holy Ghost is come upon you. And then shall ye bear witness unto Me. . .
. . .nothing but the Spirit of God can worship God in Spirit and in truth.
William Law
Centuries have gone by since Robert Barclay and William Law and yet the truth they taught is still obscure—like a hidden secret. What a freeing discovery to treasure and hold dear! Yes, the glorious secret of "Christ in me, the hope of glory," ever with me, guiding me. I don’t have to be boxed in with verses, dogma and ritual. What freedom to allow the Holy Spirit to “rightly divide the Word”—“to guide into all truth” right now at this moment.
From “Taking Communion with Muddy Feet,” by Sheilah Hill
Note: It's been awhile since I read this--It speaks to me anew--I feel its power and don't want to ever again neglect these truths--this salvation. I weep to read it. These saints of old, Andrew Murray, William Law, Robert Barclay "being dead yet speak."
—inspiration must be immediate and continual.”
William Law
Howbeit when She, the Spirit of truth, is come, She will guide you into all truth: for She shall not speak of herself; but whatsoever She shall hear, that shall She speak :and She will show you things to come. John 16:13
If by "gender" is meant grammatical gender, the gender of "Holy Spirit" varies according to the language used. Thus the grammatical gender of the word "spirit" is masculine in Latin ("spiritus") and in Latin-derived languages, as also, for instance, in the German language ("Geist"), while in the Semitic languages such as Hebrew ("רוח"), Aramaic and its descendant Syriac, it is feminine, and in Greek it is neuter ("πνεῦμα"). If speakers of a particular language were to confuse grammatical gender with physical gender, they might then think of the Holy Spirit as male, female or of neither sex, but such confusion does not of course affect the reality of the gender or lack of gender of the Spirit.
Sometimes a truth comes with such strength that you want to shout it everywhere—the secret of the ages! Such a truth is this—what a resolution of conflict if this could be understood!
“The letter kills but the Spirit gives life.” (II Corinthians 3:6). This is the battle of the ages, which battle continues to rage--to be led by the Spirit or to follow religious forms. It has been said that there is no hatred like religious hatred and more blood has been shed in the name of religion than in any cause. In these cases a knowledge of scripture becomes not an asset but a liability causing people to ignore in their hearts what the Spirit would teach them as they observe religious dogma.
It was the religious leaders—who knew the Scriptures—who were the enemies of Jesus. Their objections were scripturally based, they thought. They felt he did not properly observe the Sabbath, etc. It was the children and the unlearned that recognized Him.
Many today may feel if they had seen Jesus in the flesh teaching and performing miracles, they would have certainly been one of the believers—never would they have been like some of the religious leaders. But would you have believed?
We may think that nothing could be higher than having Jesus in the flesh instructing us. However, Jesus taught the disciples that when He should be glorified and come again in the fullness and power of the Spirit, this instruction would be far greater. The Spirit would be ever present to comfort, lead and teach us.
Through the centuries there have been those who understood.
Robert Barclay (1648-1690):
Christians now are to be led inwardly and immediately by the Spirit of God, even in the same manner as the saints were of old. He then that acknowledges himself ignorant and a stranger to the inward in-being of the Christ in his heart, doth thereby acknowledge himself whatever he may otherwise know or believe of Christ, or however, much skilled or acquainted with the letter or the holy scripture, not yet to have embraced the Christian religion. For take but away the Spirit, and Christianity remains no more than the dead carcass of a man, when the soul and spirit has departed, remains a man.
Seeing then that Christ hath promised his Spirit to lead his children, and that every one of them both ought and may be led by the Spirit, if any depart from this certain guide indeed, and yet in words pretend to be led by it, into things that are not good, it will not from thence follow, that the true guidance of the Spirit is uncertain, ought not to be followed; no more than it will follow that the sun sheweth not light, because a blind man or one who willfully shuts his eyes, falls into a ditch at noon-day for want of light; or that no words are spoken, because a deaf man hears them not; or that a garden full of fragrant flowers has no sweet smell, because he that has lost his smelling does not smell it.
From these revelations of the Spirit of God to the saints have proceeded the Scriptures of Truth. Because they are only a declaration of the fountain, and not the fountain itself, therefore they are not to be esteemed the principle ground of all truth, and knowledge, nor yet the adequate primary rule of faith and manners. Yet because they give a true and faithful testimony of the first foundation, they are and may be esteemed a secondary rule, subordinate to the Spirit, from which they have all their excellency and certainty; for as by the inward testimony of the Spirit we do alone truly know them, so they testify, that the Spirit is their Guide by which the saints are led into all truth; therefore, according to the scriptures, the Spirit is the first and principal leader.”
Andrew Murray (1828-1917)
When Andrew Murray discovered what William Law had written concerning the inward workings of the Holy Spirit, he was compelled to write, “I have never found anyone who has so helped me in understanding the scripture truth of the work of the Holy Spirit.” Murray agreed with Law that “the promise of the Holy Spirit is the one secret of the power of Christ’s church.” (Bethany Fellowship)
I do not know where to find anywhere else the same clear and powerful statement of the truth, which the Church needs at the present day. . .no where have I met with anything that brings the truth of our dependence on the continual leading of the Spirit, and the assurance that that leading can be enjoyed without interruption, so home to the heart as the teaching of this present volume. . . The one need of our churches, of our life, and our work, is the continuous operation of the Holy Spirit. . . That God may visit His Church, and fill all His saints with His Holy Spirit, is my fervent prayer.
Andrew Murray in introduction of William Law’s The Power of the Spirit, selections from the Writings of William Law.
William Law (1686-1761)":
All this is expressly declared by Christ Himself, saying unto them, “I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away;” Therefore Christ taught them to believe and joyfully to expect the coming of a higher and more blessed state than that of His bodily presence with them. For he adds, “If I go not away, the Comforter will not come”: therefore the comfort and blessing of Christ to His followers could not be had till something more was done to them, and they were brought into a higher state than they could be by His verbal instruction of them. “But if I go away,” says He, “I will send Her unto you, and when the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth is come, She will guide you into all truth;She shall glorify Me: for She shall take of Mine, and shall show it unto you” (John 16)
( With greater revelation I have taken the liberty to use "She" above--though William Law did not.
"Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river,
And the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.
Then you shall feed;
On Her sides shall you be carried,
And be dandled on Her knees.
As one whom his mother comforts,
So I will comfort you;
And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem."
Isaiah 66:12,13
"She shall cover you with Her feathers and under Her wings thou shalt truth. . ."
Psalm 91
"Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget you. . ."
Isaiah 49:15
I was just going to put these verses in without references--but then thought I should put the references in. I opened to "Mother" and "Mothers." Our holy Mother is helping me.
Back to William Law.)
What poor divinity knowledge comes from great scholars may be sufficiently seen from the quotations taken from Dr. Warburton’s sermons. It stands thus: “By them (that is, by the writings of the New Testament) the prophetic promise of our Saviour, that the Comforter should abide for ever, was eminently fulfilled. For though His ordinary influence occasionally assists the faithful, yet His constant abode and sure illumination is in the sacred Scriptures.” Dr. Warburton’s doctrine is this, that the inspired books of the New Testament is that Comforter, or Spirit of Truth, and illuminator, which is meant by Christ’s being always with His Church. Let us therefore put the Doctor’s doctrine into the letter of the text, which will best show how true or false it is.
Our Lord says, “It is expedient for you that I go away, or the Comforter will not come; that is, it is expedient for you, that I leave off teaching you in words, that sound only into your outward ears, that you may have the same words in writing, for your outward eyes to look upon, for if I do not depart from this vocal way of teaching you, the Comforter will not come, that is, yet will not have the comfort of My words written on paper. But if I go away, I will send written books, which shall lead you into such a truth of words as you could not have, whilst they were only spoken from My mouth; but being written on paper, they will be My Spiritual, heavenly, constant abode with you, and the most supreme illumination you can receive from Me.”
Christ says further: “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now; howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of Himself, for He shall receive Mine, and shall show it unto you; that is though you cannot be sufficiently instructed from My words at present, yet when they shall hereafter come to you in written books, they will give you a knowledge of all truth, for they shall not speak of themselves, but shall receive words from Me, and show them unto you.”
It must be evident to every reader that this absurd, and even blasphemous, interpretation is all the Doctor’s own.
The true value of scripture is an outward Guide to God’s inward Teaching: As Christ’s teaching in the flesh was only preparatory to His future vital teaching by the Spirit, so the teaching of Scripture by words written with ink and paper is only preparatory, or introductory to all that inward essential teaching of God, which is by His Spirit and truth within us. Every other opinion of the Holy Scripture, but that of an outward teacher and guide to God’s inward teaching and illumination in our souls, is by making an idol-god of it: I say an idol-god; for to those who rest in it as the constant abode and supreme illumination of God with them, it can be nothing else. For if nothing of divine faith, love, hope, or goodness, can have the least birth or place in us, but by divine inspiration, they who think these virtues may be sufficiently raised in us by the letter of Scripture, do in truth and reality make the letter of Scripture their inspirited god.
That which the learned leaders did with the outward letter of their law, that same do learned Christians with the outward letter of their gospel. Why did they so furiously and obstinately cry out against Christ, “Let Him be crucified”? It was because their letter-learned ears, their worldly spirit, and temple-orthodoxy, would not bear to hear of an inward Saviour, not bear to hear of being born again of His Spirit, of eating His flesh, and drinking His blood, of His dwelling in them, and they in Him. To have their law of ordinances, their temple-pomp sunk into such a fulfilling Saviour as this, was such enthusiastic jargon to their ears, as forced their sober, rational theology, to call Christ, Beelzebub, His doctrine, blasphemy and all for the sake of Moses and rabinic orthodoxy.
Christian doctors reproach the old learned Rabbis, for their vain faith, and carnal desire of a glorious, temporal, outward Christ, who should set up their temple-worship all over the world. Vanity indeed, and learned blindness enough?
But nevertheless, in these condemmers of rabbinical blindness, St. Paul's words are remarkably verified, namely, “Wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things.” . . .What the Christian doctors advocate is that very outward Christ, and that very outward kingdom, which the carnal religious leaders dreamed of, and for the sake of which the spiritual Christ was then nailed to the Cross, and is still crucified by the new-risen Pharisee in the Christian Church.
And so the natural man goes on preaching, and the natural man goes on hearing of the things of God, in a fruitless course of life. And thus it must be, so long as either preacher or hearers, seek anything else but to edify, and be edified in, and through the immediate power and essential presence of the Holy Spirit, working in them.
The Law was given by Moses; but Moses had a veil upon his face, the Law was a veil, prophecy was a veil, Christ crucified was a veil, and all was a veil, till grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, in the power of His Holy Spirit.
The empty letter-learned knowledge which the natural man can as easily have of the sacred scripture and religious matters as of any other books or human affairs, this being taken for divine knowledge, has spread such darkness and delusion all over Christendom, as may be reckoned no less than a general apostasy from the gospel state of divine illumination. . . What scripture of the New Testament can you read that does not prove this to be the gospel state, a kingdom of God, into which none can enter but by being born of the Spirit, none can continue to be alive in it but by being led by the Spirit, and in which not a thought, or desire, or action can be allowed to have any part in it, but as it is a fruit of the Spirit?
But as Christ’s teaching in the flesh was only preparatory to His future vital teaching by the Spirit, so the teaching of Scripture by words written with ink and paper is only preparatory, or introductory to all that inward essential teaching of God, which is by His Spirit and truth within us. Every other opinion of the Holy Scripture, but that of an outward teacher and guide to God’s inward teaching and illumination in our souls, is but making an idol-god of it: I say an idol-god; for to those who rest in it as the constant abode and supreme illumination of God with them, it can be nothing else. For if nothing of divine faith, love, hope, or goodness, can have the least bit or place in us, but by divine inspiration, they who think these virtues may be sufficiently raised in us by the letter of Scripture, do in truth and reality make the letter of Scripture their inspiring god.
All this is expressly declared by Christ Himself, saying unto them, “I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away”’ therefore Christ taught them to believe and joyfully to expect the coming, of a higher and more blessed state than what of His bodily presence with them. For He adds “If I go not away the Comforter will not come”’ therefore the comfort and blessing of Christ to His followers could not be had till something more was done to them, and they were brought into a higher state than they could be by His verbal instruction to them. “But if I go away,” says He “I will send Her unto you, and when the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth is come, She will guide you into all truth; She shall glorify Me” . . .He commands them not to bear witness of Him to the world from what they did and could in a human way know of Him, His birth, His life, doctrines, death, sufferings, resurrection, etc., but to tarry in Jerusalem till they were endued with power from on high; saying unto them, “Ye shall receive power, after that he Holy Ghost is come upon you. And then shall ye bear witness unto Me. . .
. . .nothing but the Spirit of God can worship God in Spirit and in truth.
William Law
Centuries have gone by since Robert Barclay and William Law and yet the truth they taught is still obscure—like a hidden secret. What a freeing discovery to treasure and hold dear! Yes, the glorious secret of "Christ in me, the hope of glory," ever with me, guiding me. I don’t have to be boxed in with verses, dogma and ritual. What freedom to allow the Holy Spirit to “rightly divide the Word”—“to guide into all truth” right now at this moment.
From “Taking Communion with Muddy Feet,” by Sheilah Hill
Note: It's been awhile since I read this--It speaks to me anew--I feel its power and don't want to ever again neglect these truths--this salvation. I weep to read it. These saints of old, Andrew Murray, William Law, Robert Barclay "being dead yet speak."
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